Now I have to worry about keeping everything fair and even between the 2 I'd better do a Kanyon post since I did a Quinn one. :)
There is no special date or reason, just a little update on the big brother of the house. This has been a tough 3 weeks for him and he deserves a post all his own!
- He is crawling on his own more and more without prompting or help! This is HUGE!
- He now says "bu bu" when he waves Bye Bye.
- "bu bu" is actually his favorite sound...he uses it for almost anything. It is also the name of his brother and pretty much anything else we try to get him to say.
- He says "Nigh Nigh" and lays down when we say "Night Night". Too bad he doesn't do that at night to go to sleep.
- He says "pu pu" when he wants UP. He can make the P sound but makes pretty much no vowel sounds. Speech therapists out there...whats up with that?? Don't vowel sounds usually come first?
- We are practicing animal sounds. His best one is when he roars like a lion. We have to do it first, then he copies. Its pretty cute. He also does snake and dog.
- It bothers him more when Kory holds Quinn than when I do. I think he gave up on me.
- He points to where he wants you to go and what he wants you to do. He's quite bossy.
- If you start to sing "This little light of mine" he will put his finger up and move it around.
- His love for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are still as strong as ever. Yesterday he heard the intro to Jeopardy, "THIS IS JEOPARDY!!!" and he wheeled around where he was, checked out the TV to make sure it was true and made a B-Line to the TV. If he's a genius (or knows random facts that I could never teach him ) we'll know why.
- I'm really looking forward to this recovery time being over so that I can get things back to normal for him. I'm dreading it in a way, but I'm ready to get it over with. I know that the first few weeks will be tough on me and my patience (I think what we've seen off and on this past week or 2 is a sneak peek and its SOO frustrating and I NEED patience!) but I know he'll get settled in.
- He has the best DAD in the world the best GRANDPARENTS in the world (and his Uncle Tye was a huge help too). Seriously, they have all worked so hard and taken such good care of Kanyon, played with him, FED HIM, rocked him, picked him up, let him boss them around, gone on Tryke rides, walks, and on and on and on. They have all made this transition so much easier on him and I'm so thankful! I know they're probably looking forward to me being back to normal too, they've worked LIKE DOGS!!!
Here he is bugging my dad for food. Yes, the kid will annoy you to death when you're eating. He wants your food so bad. He will lick it and enjoys that very very much. crazy boy. In true Paw Paw fashion, Dad left the table to sit on the floor with Kanyon so he could lick his food.