I realized that I did the first post to announce our pregnancy and then haven't said anything else about new baby! So, here we go!!!!!
This is our ultrasound picture from this past Monday. Sweet little profile.

Maybe I'll just make a list of things here:
I will be 19 weeks tomorrow
I have had 2 ultrasounds and will have another one in a week and at some point will go from having them every 2 weeks to every week. The main reason is to measure my cervix and make sure its not doing anything crazy. So far so good.
We'll have the BIG sono in a couple of weeks where they do all the measurements and such to make sure all is developing well. The ones they've taken so far everything looks good. I'm ready to have that behind me. It makes me very nervous.
We will NOT be finding out if its a boy or a girl. (that means we'll have lots of profile pictures I guess). However, due to the amount of sono's I'll be having the chances of us accidentally finding out from the techs or seeing for ourselves is pretty high. We're gonna give it a shot though.
I started taking a weekly shot at 16 weeks. So far so good. Mindi is my shot giver and she's great! She takes great care to hurt my boo-tay as little as possible. I will take it every Thursday until I'm 36 weeks. The shot has been shown to prevent preterm labor in singleton pregnancies. Bring it on. It makes me nervous (not to mention a little ouchy because its as thick as motor oil according to the nurse)to be injecting something into my body, but it scares me worse to risk NOT doing something that could help and seeing my baby WAY TOO SOON.
While I was in Montana, a very pretty nurse lady gave me my shot. She is friends with my in-laws and goes to church with them. She is also a former Miss Montana!!
I am very much showing. Strangers will now ask me when I'm due. So the part where people wonder but don't say anything is way behind me. Its safe to ask now.
My belly button is starting to flatten out. Just like with J&K.
I am just now getting over the nausea. I gag for NO REASON at any given point, but I can handle that. All day every day I'm gagging. Oh well.
I still haven't felt it move. I don't remember when I felt the twins move. This baby looked like it was swatting flies in my last ultrasounds and it was moving all over, but I still can't feel the flutters yet. I can't wait.
I have this week and next week left to travel to Dallas and then those weekly trips will end. In fact, my Dr. doesn't want me further than Tyler after that. YIKES! So, we're gonna make a trip to Paris soon to get to see the fam and then settle in here for the long haul. That means I will have to miss a few things, one being my 10 year High School Reunion which makes me sad, but I'd rather be safe.
We do not have names. We have a few for each, but it will probably take us forever to actually decide.
My belly is pointed. Same as it was with J&K. It looks funny. Oh well.
I am more tired/sleepy in my 2nd trimester than I was the first. I remember being the same way with the twins. I layed down some the first trimester, but it was more because I felt so yucky. Now its because I can't hold my eyes open!
My due date is somewhere between the 22-25th of December, but if all goes perfectly, the birthday will be the 15th. I had a vertical C-section with Kanyon so my risk is higher for complications so she told me I never need to contract again. So hopefully we will catch it before it starts to be born on its own. If not, it will have to be taken at the first sign of contractions because we can't risk it. I like the sound of December 15th, don't you!! :)
Being pregnant again makes me think so much about when I was teaching and about my class when I was pregnant the first time. I wish I was around them again this time. It was fun.
Kanyon remains clueless about his world- rocking sibling growing inside of me.
I think I'm done now. If I left anything out, I'll add it later. Thanks for keeping this little one in your prayers.