I just found out that the prayer chain website for the Phillips is going to have slots to sign up extended through next week, so follow this link and sign up for a time if you would like to. When you scroll down to the sign-up part, be sure to scroll to the right to see the new days. I know it gives Kory and Jaymie great comfort knowing that they are covered in prayer 24 hours a day.http://www.mysignup.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?datafile=kanyonandjayde
The memorial service will be at 3:30 on Sunday in Paris, so remember to lift them up especially during that time.
Kory Jaymie and Kanyon-
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and remain constant. We love you all so so so much! Praise God for Kanyons continued progress! It is so amazing to see God showing us his goodness through all of this sadness. We will pray especially hard for you and Kory tomorrow during the service. Know that our hearts will be with you all along the way.
I want you to know my sister and her friends in Virginia are praying for ya'll.
Love ya'll!
Jessica and Family
What great news to hear that Kanyon is gaining weight - we will continue to cover him in prayers!! BTW: Our family is from Jacksonville,FL. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kory and Jaymie- We have been checking your blog often. We want you to know that you are in our every prayer!
We will especailly be praying for you on Sunday. I pray that you feel the arms of our Heavenly Father around you at all times. We love you!
Ashley (Core) Nelson
Precious ones,
I have been lifting you all up continually. I am in awe of just how many other prayers God is hearing about you guys! What an amazing testament to what happens when God's people pray! Please know my love and support are with you! In my prayer time last night I even lifted up a chorus of "Savior breathe an evening blessing" - I know he is blessing you even when this is so hard!
Love to you all- Kerry Beth
For Rachel-Thank you for keeping us all updated!
Yea Kanyon!! What a fighter! Hang in there guys. We love you, and we know that God has a special purpose for sweet Kanyon. Love-Angela Mays
I'm excited to see such good news about Kanyon. Praise God for the progress made so far. Kanyon is such a little fighter, and I know that one day God will use him as a testimony. I can't wait to see the plan God has for this precious boy. I will continue praying for Kanyons health and progress.
I saw on the Prayer Chain website it mentioned something about fasting, and that is something I have honestly never considered before, but I've decided to give it a try. For the next 3 days, I will not only be praying for the Phillips phamily, but will be fasting as well.
God bless you Jaymie and Kory. Stay strong and know that we all are here for you...
Your brother in Christ,
Drew Nelson
I couldn't see the map too well but I want you to know that you can color in Mexico City, Mexico and Oxford, England! Scotty is in Mexico and I have many ACU friends in Oxford and I know that they all have lifted many prayers on your behalf! I've been reading the updates and I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to comment but I felt like if I waited long enough I could somehow find the right words to say. I find myself thinking of you guys more and more everyday and I want you to know that each time you cross my mind a little prayer goes up! Precious Kanyon has so much in store for him and I can't wait to meet him! Thanks to the Spencers, there's been a lot more baby attire in the CDR Gift Shop lately! The prayers will continue for Kanyon and for all who surround him! Love y'all!
Rachel Morris
Abilene/Keller, Texas
Im glad to hear my little cuz is doing better!! Its because he wants to meet me when I get back to the USA in May! I like the idea of a US map to color in the states...but I have a request. Get a South American map and color in Uruguay, because you not only have 20 Americans in Uruguay praying, but also several Uruguayans!
Love ya,
(Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil--right now)
So glad to hear that Kanyon is still doing good! Great to get some good news in my hourly check of the website! Still praying for you guys from Bogata, Texas and passing on the prayers we have coming in from friends in Australia, Illinois, Germany and Maine! We are passing on the prayer requests to everyone to keep little Kanyon strong! We hope your entire family feels our loving arms around you tomorrow as you go through the services for sweet little Jayde! We love you!
Kristie and Kimberlynn Lee
Butch and Betsy Mills
Keith, Kacy, Bryce and Brenna Mills
Jaime, Kory and the MT Phillips,
I'm elated that Kanyon is eating so well! You're all in my thoughts and I know that in no time, the little guy will be home with you and wondering what all the fuss was about! With affection, Kimm in
Polson, MT
Kory and Jaymie,
We are lifting up constant prayers for both of you, Kanyon and your families. We pray especially that we all see God's mighty hands at work in Kanyon's life.
James and Rachel (Smith) Silvester
Jaymie, Kory, Kanyon & Family,
We love you and continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. It is so great to hear that Kanyon is doing good! Know that we will be praying for all of you tomorrow when you have the service for little Jayde. Jaymie, you are precious to us.
Jr., Christie, Kade, Drew & Macy
"Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge."
Psalm 62:8
On that South America map be sure and color in Bolivia too... our team here is praying over you guys fervently! May God bless you, your family, and your little one!
Laura Bull - Cochabamba, Bolivia
(Emily Wallace's sister(
We heard about your sweet family from some friends in TX and just wanted you all to know we will be praying for you. What a fragile time and yet...there is so much hope for Kanyon. I pray the Great Healer will strengthen him quickly.
Ridgefield, CT
Dear Jaymie and Kory,
This is Daniel and Melanie Jones in Gainesville, FL. We are both at a loss for words for you two right now. We are so sorry for the loss of sweet baby girl Jayde. We are praying for you and your family. Daniel says he feels like it's his family since he has known your family for so long and loves you all so much. Please know that God is hearing from us on your behalf.
Daniel, Melanie and Daisy Jones
May God and all the prayers lifted up comfort you all Sunday. There are no words to express how most of
us feel and most of us can not imagine how you all feel. We are so sorry and will continue to pray.
We will also continue to pray for precious Kanyon. I am sure there is a beautiful angel named Jayde by his side.
We love you!
We are praying that you feel God's arms around you. May you feel the love that is being poured out.
Jennifer King
We've been thinking about you and praying for you as well. My husband is a cousin of Matt Pinson, and Christine's mom linked to your site from her blog.
This may be a trivial question, but could you tell me how Jayde's name is pronounced? Is it said Jaydie, like Jamie, or is it simply like Jade? With my name being Brandynn (Bran-den), subject to numerous mispronunciations, I'm a bit sensitive about that and I truly want to be saying her name correctly when praying for your sweet family.
The outpouring of love and support surrounding you guys is astounding. May the Lord bless you in ways only He can do.
All our love,
Brad & Brandynn Stanford
Maelan, Robin, Gideon, & Tabitha
Fort Worth, Texas
Way to go Kanyon on the weight gain!! We continue to lift you all up in prayer!!
Brian & Tracey (Harper) Shepherd
Since I am the first to comment after Brandynn, I'll just answer that her name is pronounced "Jade", all one syllable. :) Like a gem. :)
I can't go more than an hour without checking your blog. And I can't go more than 5 minutes without praying for you guys! We'll especially be on our knees at 3:30 tomorrow for your whole sweet family. I keep picturing who all will be there, the setting you'll be in, and how angels will be with you as your honor precious Jayde... and it makes me smile through tears. Love you guys... and I'll be back in a few minutes I'm sure. :)
Put Friendswood, TX on the map for sure! :)
Kory and Jayme,
We are excited to here the good news about Kanyon and we are in constant prayer for your family. We love you all.
Mark and Amy
We have been checking the site almost hourly and are always interested in hearing what's going on. We had a child born at about the same time, 25 weeks. When she was born, she weighed almost the same, 1lb 10 oz. We have been praying for the little ones and now for Kanyon as well. To see that he is feeding on milk is absolutely amazing! Maya started drinking milk though the feeding tube only at 29 weeks so Kanyon is way ahead of our daughter.
We are friends of Jodi's and have been through what you are going through. I believe God had us go through what we did so that we can minister to people who are going through this in a way that ohters many not be able to understand. If you ever want to talk, day or night, 24 hours a day, please ask Jodi for our info and call us. We are praying for you and are ready to chat at any time day or night to help you guys get through this...
And keep us in the loop, people are living on this blog!!! :)
Jaymie, Kory, and family,
I am still praying for you. May God be with you and help you through Sunday and the days to come. I am so thankful Kanyon continues to be doing so well. God is Good!!
Brandi Barlow
Kory & Jaymie, Please know that you and your precious son are in our prayers. We are so sorry about Jayde. Your family is on our prayer lists at League St. God bless you and your special family.
In our prayers continually,
Yours in Christ, Bill & Susie Grant
Jayme and Kory,
I hope you have colored in Chile! I know Jenni and the Missionary team there are praying for you!
You and your family remain in our prayers. We literally pray all the time.
God Bless you and keep you.
Judi and Mike Worley
I don't know your family but I heard of the situation I will be praying like crazy and let my family know too
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