Thursday, August 20, 2009

All things BABY

Well, we are in the process of getting our computer cleaned up and such, but until then I can NOT DOWNLOAD ONE SINGLE PICTURE. My space is FULL.

So, I thought I'd update on the baby a little bit. I am 22 weeks and 2 days and feeling pretty good. I've managed to hang on to the nausea, but not as bad as it was the first trimester. I still gag and I just think I'll have to wait until after the baby is born to really enjoy food again. Oh well, no big deal, we're making it just fine.

Other than that, I feel good. Nothing hurts or is uncomfortable yet. I am seeing more and more how much easier on my body this is than carrying 2. I had nothing to compare it to last time, but I now can totally tell a difference in so many ways.

As of this week, I'm feeling baby move lots and lots. That is another thing that spoiled me last time. I was feeling TONS of movement SOON and OFTEN with the twins. You could see them move on my belly shortly after 20 weeks and as soon as I could feel it, Kory could feel it too. This has been a more gradual thing with a few flutters here and there but its finally more constant and noticeable. The ultrasounds have shown this baby to be quite the mover. It is always all over the place when they're trying to get pictures.

I have started seeing my Dr. every week now. She checked me last week and everything is perfect still, so that is nice to hear. I started the FFN test which is a test that supposedly predicts if you're going to go into labor in the next 2 weeks. I don't think its the most accurate thing in the world, but it is just one more thing we can do to keep an eye out for preterm labor. As I near that 25 week mark my nerves are starting to kick in. I just want to get past it and each week will get us closer and closer to a bigger, healthier baby. I'm trying to take it as easy as I can and not over do it, but that is easier some days than others. The world doesn't stop, but I'm doing my best to slow down.

So far, the secret of the gender of this baby is safe with the sonogram tech girl. I am not sure when I'll get another one, but I just get nervous every time. Now that I'm committed to not finding out, I really REALLY don't want to. I feel strongly that its a boy. So strong that sometimes I feel like the surprise is already ruined. That makes no sense (which Kory reminds me of all the time) but that is how I feel. We are working on names, but having a hard time. We have a good list of 4 boy names that we both like, we just like them in OPPOSITE ORDER!! AHHHHHH!! We have 3 girl names now but the middle names are kind of tricky and again, we don't like them in the same order. So I'm not sure if one of us will compromise or if we'll just pick one in the middle. Hopefully we have MONTHS and MONTHS to talk it over. I can totally see us not deciding until after its born even if we make it all the way to December. Its just so hard!

On a different note, I'm starting to think about things we are going to need after this baby comes. One of those is a double stroller. I'm trying to decided what route to take there. I know the tandem ones are not as wide so may be easier for shopping and stuff, but I also feel like everyone I know that has twins ends up getting a side by side one when the kids get older. I really don't want to buy 2 strollers, so any advice on double strollers would be greatly appreciated.

The next thing I need a little help on is a pump. Yes, I'm asking advice about a pump. I should be the expert, right?! If all goes as planned with the pregnancy, I am hoping to nurse this baby. BUT my question is, should I get a pump too?? I just don't know how much I would use one if I'm able to nurse OK. My thing is I don't want to get a crummy one. Since I had the high-tech big mama jamma hospital pump as my Siamese twin for so long, I want to get a good one. BUT the good ones cost big bucks and I don't want to waste money if I'm not going to end up using it. I know its nice to be able to pump and leave a bottle, and especially with Kanyon's crazy therapy schedule, etc. I may be a little more restricted as far as being able to just nurse whenever. I just don't know. SOOOO girls....did you pump even when you could nurse?? Was it worth it to you to buy a pump?

Speaking of, the milk bank sent me my grand total for how much milk I donated:
4, 324 ounces!
Is that not hilarious!

Ok, that's all for now.


Amy Porter said...

Hey girl!! is my 2 cents...I did pump when I nursed (obviously with Mal I was working, but with Blake I still did...SOME!) I borrowed a pump and just bought the attachments from the hospital when I had Blake. (that way insurance pays for some) So if you can find a super nice one that a friend is storing in their closet, that is what I'd do! I think you will want one...but I also used the trusty ol' hand pump the entire time with Mallory, so I'm probably not the greatest one to ask...I'm cheap enough to do that! :) HA!!!
Also, I have my double stroller that you are welcome to borrow! I mean, at some point I may need it back, but that isn't going to be for a while, so if you want to use it for a while before you buy one, you are welcome too!!! It is the front/back one!

Kara said...

i have both a front/back stroller and a side by side stroller...
i got the side-by-side thinking that i would like it soo much better than the front/back one. here's the thing, i like the side by side on to take walks in, and it takes up a little less space.
i like the front to back one better for going places like stores, shops, restaurants in. it is able to maneuver way easier and it doesn't get stuck on clothes racks, entrance/exit doors, and in the check out line.
i have to constantly battle with the side by side when i am out shopping.
annyways, that's what i have experienced!
you can always find used strollers on craigslist that could get you by until you wanted to make a big purchase...just a thought!
i CAN'T BELIEVE you pumped and donated THAT MUCH milk! a-mazing!

Daphney Harris said...

Hey Jaymie, Daphney Harris here. Ok with my first I rented a hospital pump like you did, but this time I was fortunate enough to have a friend give/sell me her hand me down Medela Pump In Style and I love it. It works just as well as the rented one I promise. I nurse and pump both. Nurse when it's convenient and pump for times it's not, like when I'm going to church or when Dee (my hubby) is keeping the boys. As for the stroller I found the Graco Dual Glider is the best and I found it at a consignment store, in brand new condition for 1/2 the store price of a new one. Hope this helps. Once again, congratulations! We're so excited for you and Kory!!!

Kacy said...

Hi, Jaymes. (Yes, I still read your blog all the time - I've just gotten out of the habit of commenting) I am so happy for you, Kory, & Kan-Man about the new addition to your family! I am praying for a miserably long pregnancy :)

Anyway... I still work, so my situation is a little differernt, but I have always used a Medela Pump In Style - a double electric pump, a step down from a hospital-grade pump. From everyone I've ever talked to, I think it's pretty much the most popular one. But it is definitely expensive. I have never bought a new one. With Drew, I borrowed one from a friend. She eventually needed it back, so this time I bought a used one (that hadn't really been used) for less than half the price of a brand new one. The pump companies say that a pump shouldn't be used by more than one person (of course they can sell more that way), but I asked my midwife about it the first time and she agreed it would be fine to use a second-hand one and just get new parts. I bought the one I have now on Craigslist - there were a lot listed on there. I talked to the seller quite a bit and decided I could trust her :) I realize I am rambling on and on, but I just felt compelled to share.

Love you and hope you have a great day!

Sydni said...

I have no advice, Sayler is OLD and can walk and I just don't pump... not that I'm glad about that.

Way to go with donating all that. It made me laugh, but I think it's fabulous!

I think you're having a boy too. Maybe we'll all be surprised... so that's why it's so fun to wait - but I was really glad to have found out w/ H. Whatever! People have such strong opinions about all that.

I just ADORED this post!!!

The Nortons said...

I have a pump you can borrow! It is not the hospital brand, but it is would be like getting the second should work pretty well(it's only 7 years old)lol!! You are more than welcome to try it out...let me know!

Bevin said...

I pumped and nursed because I worked. I actually rented one of the good portable hospital ones. Although, I think I could've just bought one for the price I paid to rent it and I only used it for like 6 mths.. I think borrowing would be your best option since you have friends that have them.

Alli said...

Here's my experience, for what it's worth! I think a front/back stroller is a must for shopping & general around town stuff. Double strollers are just impossible to fit through anywhere. I have the Graco Duo Glider & love it. We do have a side by side jogging stroller & that's great for walks.

On the pump, I have an Avent Isis IQ Duo & LOVE it. I used the Medela in the hospital & it was fine, but I like mine so much better. We found the best price on I would encourage getting a pump even though you want to nurse. I started pumping early & often, & I think that helped tremendously with establishing my milk supply. Also, we gave our kids one bottle a day so they would be used to bottles. That way, they didn't mind if I left them with a sitter & they had to take a bottle. Sorry, that was long. Good luck!

Holly said...

Well unfortunately I don't have much advice on the strollers. As you well know I was attached to my pump constantly too! I will just say that I LOVED my medela pump & would buy it again if I had to. Anyways I don't know if that's helpful or not. I got my donation certificate in the mail a couple weeks ago too!!! My total was 3040 ounces!! Man oh man. Between the 2 of us...dear goodness!

Corbitt Family said...

I love my Graco duo glider and love it! It folds flat and is easy to get in and out of my car. I did just get my side by side jogging stroller, but that is only for outside. You can always register for your stroller after you do your research ;)

I also like my medela electric pump, it is close to the nice blue one and woth the price.

The Speck family said...

You are hilarious~ I cannot even imagine how many HOURS you worked to get over four thousand ounces~ bless your heart. Praying for you and that sweet baby and it will be so fun to see if K is a big brother to a boy our girl....the fact is he will be adorable, regardless.

Silverthornes said...

First of all, I am so glad you are waiting to find out the sex of your baby. From experience, it was one of the most exciting things in my life - both times. AND I will have to say that you have a likely chance of it being a boy OR girl. I don't know if I really believe in a mother's intuition about just knowing the gender of the baby (just my opinion) - I had no clue both times :)
- I would borrow a pump (I am cheap like that AND don't know that you will actually use it as much as you think you will)
- I would get a front/back double stroller- I love mine.
NOTE: These are only my opinions :)
I am happy for you guys!!

erin f. said...

I like these baby updates! It's funny how convinced you are that it's a boy. I was that way with Ellie, I just KNEW she was a girl but Todd KNEW she was a boy. I read somewhere that the all the old wives tales are always 50% not at all, but a mother's intuition is 75%. But that statistic is probably an old wives tale :)

annalee said...

hi friend,
love your updates and am in awe over your donated milk total!!!
i wasn't going to get a good pump before adelaide was born. i got the handheld one thinking i would only use it for emergency situations. it was a TOTAL waste, and i should have just put that $30 towards getting my real one. i did go back to work for 10 weeks when she was three months old. i bought the medella pump and style and LOVED it. i have nothing negative to say about it (other than the cost, but it probably came close to paying for itself since i didn't have to buy very much formula, etc.) for what it's worth i think you will be glad to have it and it will give you some flexibility that will be much appreciated:)

Kyla said...

WOW!!! I really can't believe you were able to donate that much milk!! They should have paid you something for all that. :) I'm in the same questioning process as you are about a double stroller. Buying baby gear like that stresses me out because I don't want to spend hardly any money and I don't want to regret what I buy.... and all the reviews and opinions about double strollers are getting me nowhere!! As far as the pump goes- I really almost never pumped with Ava. Maybe 5-10 times with a hand pump (which is terrible). I honestly would love to have a good electric pump just for the convenience of being able to pump efficiently in the case that I needed or wanted to, but like you said, they are SO expensive! Jada borrowed a Medela pump-n-style. I've heard good things about those from a lot of people.

Brook Speer said...

Jaymie -

So glad you are doing well! I am also glad you are getting the FFN tests. My doctor said if it is positive, then the outcome can vary. If it is negative, though, it is pretty accurate. Those tests were reassuring to me (especially when I started dilating very early). I also understand your anxiety. I think weeks 20-27 were the worst for me because I was so worried about the baby coming early again.
On another note, I think the Medela Pump N Style is a great pump if you are nursing. I used it with my oldest and my youngest. It is great for a bottle here and there, if your supply goes down, if you get mastitis, or if your baby has a nursing strike. I, too, had the hospital grade pump with my preemie and had a love/hate relationship with it. I never figured out how much milk I had pumped, but I did total out the time spent pumping. It totaled to 46,200 minutes (or 32 days straight of pumping)!!! You will enjoy nursing so much more than pumping!
Still praying for you and the baby. Can't wait for more updates!

Rebekah said...
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Rebekah said...

I'm not sure why I'm commenting on this. We all know I'm a little bit of a freak... :) Or perhaps a big freak! Anyway...I just have a hand-held pump that I've used maybe three times. I just nurse Chandler...all the time! :) But it seems that pumping is pretty popular. I may be the only one that nurses only!

It looks like you've gotten a lot of helpful advise! (minus me :)) Good luck with the decisions!

Unknown said...

Hey Jaymie...I am sending you this info because tine is in the hspt and w/o a computer. She has the Medela double pump that fits into a backpack and is a step down from the hospital one. I am sure she would love for you to use it - so don't buy one. It's in great condition! You'd only want to get the new tubing.
Just a thought - hugs! m

Anonymous said...

If you get a front to back stroller make sure you get one that is light. You can check the weight on the box or online if you're looking. I bought one and it was so heavy & hard to steer that I wound up not using it very often. Also... the Medela Pump In Style is a GREAT pump. I think mine cost about $250. It was very much worth the money. If you're away from the baby you are able to use part of the pump as a hand pump. The cheap pumps can sometimes be very "mean". Good luck and God Bless! I'm holding my breath and saying my paryers in hopes of a Christmas miracle!

Anonymous said...

I actually bough a plain ole Evenflo electric pump. I used twice a day--first thing in the morning and again before I went to bed once baby was sleeping through the night. It worked wonderfully, even though most people told me that such a cheap store brand would not do so good. I did have to wait until my milk was established (about a week after birth), but other wise it worked great. Hope that helps.

Jodi said...

Ok... first of all, I am SO PUMPED (pun intended) that things are going so well with Numero Dos. :) Fabulous news and answer to daily prayer. Like Kacy, I am praying for a long, miserable pregnancy. :) Not really the miserable part....

As for pumps, yes, get one. With R, she never took a bottle and it was quite annoying. I loved nursing, still do, but I NEVER got to leave her. EVER. B has been so easy, goes back and forth whenever, takes formula like a champ if necessary... and it has been. For some reason, I was a COW for the first 6 months, then my body has quit the milk thing. Just all the sudden, she was getting very little. So, had to pump to get some supply back, and was thankful I had a good one. (Worked for awhile, but now back to hardly any milk again. But that is another story.) So, there may be lots of reasons you'll want a GOOD pump. But hopefully it will be so you can go on date nights!! (I have a PumpNStyle. It is great.)

As for strollers... I HIGHLY recommend the Graco Quattro. It's pricey (the girls got it as a combined Christmas present from my parents), and it is heavy (all front-to-back ones are), but it is FABULOUS. So easy to manuever, so easy to open and close, a great arm workout to get in and out of my SUV :), but I absolutely love EVERYTHING about it. It can turn around from a stationary position if that makes sense. It's fabulous. Read up on some reviews online and see what you think.

That is my two cents. LOVE YOU!

Amber Rader said...

Hey! I JUST heard through the Grapevine you're pregnant. Congrats! I'll be praying for you with each week that passes.

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

Thanks for the update! Glad you're doing well and hope we get to see y'all next weekend!

Angela said...

Hi Jaymie, it's your long lost OT, Angela. I finally found your blog address again after leaving Baylor so suddenly. So now I can keep up with my friend Kanyon again. So glad he's doing well and that your pregnancy is progressing so well.

I use a medela in style pump and love it, but I use it all of the time to pump and bottle feed since Hope and I never got the hang of breastfeeding. I would say you have time to decide. You can always rent the hospital one for the first month until you see how breastfeeding goes for you and then decide whether to buy one or not.

Take Care!

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