Thursday, March 29, 2018

Spencer Cousins Come to Town

Much to our happiest happiness, Clint and Rachel continue their tradition of including us in their family vacation.  They did the Yellowstone thing this year, but before they hit the park, they spent time with us.  

These girls were pumped to be together with their matching backpacks.  

One of our friends growing up has ended up in Billings with his family, so they came up for the day and we had a blast! Our kiddos had so much fun together and it was fun of us to catch up with our long lost friend! 
Grayson, Nolan, Juney, Ro, Quinn, Shelby, Kanyon, and Marion 

Good ol' Dad taking a break with Murphy.  Kan man is quite the load these days.  

The kiddos spent tons of time building a fort!

Here's the whole gang minus baby Emma who was asleep in the car! What a great day! Thanks to Justin and Angela for making the trip! 

Old friends are the best friends! 

After church hang out on the wall.

Kanyon's old aide Shelley, and her girls were in town for a swim meet and we were SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM! We miss them so so so much! 

We had a little Harry Potter fun that included a sorting hat.  But around here we use Kory's work caps for sorting hats! Clearly Ro was pleased with the house the sorting hat chose for her! And clearly Kanyon is cheating and not hiding his eyes! 

One afternoon we went to the Fosters place to see their ice caves.  Nolan and Quinn rode in the back of the Ranger and as you can was a dusty ride! 

Kory, Clint, and Eldon helped everyone get down into the cave...

Eldon showed us around inside the cave. It was SO COOL! 

Our dusty ride continued....check it out...that is DUST ON NOLAN'S TEETH! 

Mr. Eldon took us back to his shop and gave the kiddos some of his bowls he makes. He's so talented! 

When Ro and Clint were here in May they learned GaGa ball, so we had fun showing the rest of the fam how to play.  A major perk to living right across the street from the school playground! 

 I can't imagine this is comfortable but the kids had fun! 

Of course, there was plenty of time for klp to play with Ro's hair. 

2 cuties tromping through the grass with their sticks.  

Hay Bale jumping is always a favorite.  Sweet Uncle Clint made sure Kanyon got in on the action. 

We went up to Tye and Rach's house to see the puppies.  And to wrestle Uncle Clint. 

Juney and Jona in their matching shirts!!! 

Kory missed out (somebody's gotta get the work done), but the rest of us took a beautiful hike up Limekiln. It was a lot of walking, but everyone did great! 

Uncle Clint hauled Kanyon the whole way.  That's no joke. 

Kanyon had a stick in his hand and he would hit the trees as they walked by.  He was completely entertained by it but I'm pretty sure Clint's right hip will never be the same after hiking miles and miles with a 50 lb. kid leaning sideways to hit trees.  

When we got to the top, they immediately started building a fort.  

Lewistown Overlook

They even used berries to make Indian face paint

A pretty good shelter I'd say. 

A fantastic hiking crew. 

My gang. 

The kids literally RAN down almost the whole way, so they were nice and tired by the end.  

Another great week with this gang in the books.  (Kory was on a tractor somewhere and missed the porch picture but he had a blast with them too.)

1 comment:

Pam said...

Your pictures are just beautiful, the people in them are too, but the scenery is just breath taking! Are there many bugs up just looks so clean and peaceful. It is so good to see young people enjoy the outdoors and not be inside watching television or playing on computers.....thank you for sharing, this may be the only way we ever see Montana!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers