We got to Texas and hit the ground running! Kanyon had some appointments in Dallas so we squeezed in quick visits with some dear friends....
Kasey! I was so happy to get to visit with Kasey and catch up a tiny bit on her life in a new town at a new school.
Alison and Miles!!!! We usually get to have more time together than a quick dinner, but we'll take what we can get! We got such a kick out of watching (and listening) to our kiddos together. Any time with life long best friends is the best!
Double Trouble!
We got to Gay Gay's and got BUSY in the kitchen!
Avery got to spend the night with us...I don't remember how it ended up just her, but it was lots of fun. She pretty much single handedly put everyone to bed.
Chillin' with cuz....thats a pretty good way to start your day.
And nothing beats TD for lunch!!!
We got to go out to see Clay and Mo's house they're building. The kids were so sweet to help Kanyon get around the construction zone.
The two little twinkles still looking a lot alike.
Kan was happy to be reunited with his cousins' hair! They are ever so patient.
Kan and Uncle Clay catching up on the latest happenings.
We all looked at the house, helped Mo pick paint colors, and then headed to DQ for supper with the WHOOOOOLE gang.
Head Macaroni Makers
Head Bathtub Swimmer
Rise and Shine in your bball uniform!
The night before Thanksgiving is all hands on deck as we prepare for the crowd of 80+ Cagle Cousins!
Kory and Dad doing some celery chopping..
and Kory doing double duty on the toast brigade.
They toast it, me, Chay, and Claire crumble it up!
Chay and Claire came from New Orleans and cousin Annette came all the way from California. It has been years and years since she's been back so it was extra fun to have her. Plus its more hands to crumble toast.
The big day arrived and everyone's favorite dressing was almost ready!
Here's the whole gang! I can't remember the count this year...80 something. It is the families of my Mom's mom and her siblings. All of the Cagle siblings have passed away so the generation in charge is Mom's and all the Cagle first cousins.
Here are the 1st cousin's kids that were there this year (I don't get all the 3rd cousin...once removed...blah blah blah)
And the freshest generation....the 1st cousin's grandkids! You see how this Thanksgiving thing just gets bigger and bigger!
Mom and Dad with their grandkids
Thanks to Paige for being the official family photographer!
The day is full of catching up with family that we haven't seen in a while and for the kids, its like meeting new friends! Isaiah and Kanyon were big buddies!
Parker and Jaylie June. He was so sweet to her all day.
My mom and here sisters with their grandkids!
It was a really fun day. Its neat that the tradition is still going and this family is full of people who still value our connection to each other and time together. Happy Turkey Day!!!
Sometimes we have nice, lazy mornings together at Gay Gay's.
And sometimes your Uncle brushes your teeth for you.
Jaylie looooooooves Ollie!
Ollie is very generous with his personal space.
Sidewalk chalk after dark.
Mom pays the kids to pick up pecans out of the yard! Bringing in the big bucks!
We zipped over to Longview for the weekend and got to see some of our dearest friends. It still feels like home and the people there still feel like family. We were able to go to church at our old church and being there was just beyond wonderful.
We ate lunch after church with Gary and Sharon...always a fun time full of laughing, playing, and catching up with them. We love them SO MUCH.
Miss Kinsey!!!!! Yay!!!
Jaylie and the Rotzler girls
Seeing this little trio so big and grown up kinda like a knife in the heart...there's a special connection here and we were so glad to get to be together.

Quinn and Ryan in Sunday school together!
Cole and Kanyon in Sunday school. The Kitchens had been to visit us a few months ago so it was fun to see them again. It was just like the old days to show up to church (a tad late) and drop Kanyon off with teachers and kids that know how to take care of him. We gave aaaaaalllllllllll the love for our Apline Family and the way they have always taken good care of Kanyon.
Sunday evening we all got together at the church so we could hang out and visit and let the kids play. It is always so hard to actually catch up on Sunday morning so we met back up for a night together and it was SO SO SO SO GREAT! When we moved to Longview, none of these kids existed....somehow this happened.
The girls!
The whole gang! We laughed so much and it felt so good to be together. These people will always be our PEOPLE.
Of course..these 3 are forced together again.
Back at Gay Gay's Jaylie June got busy fixing some very fancy hair.
The ever helping cousins and Kanyon. They are all such a good team.
These two peas in a pod are connected at the hip as usual.
Ro reading Kanyon Peter Pan while he plays with her hair....THIS is Kanyon's best life.
I got to have a quick lunch and hang out with Julie and Taryn before they left town. Thanksgiving Day is always so hectic so it was fun to have a little more time and a little less going on around us to visit and catch up.
The guys did a campout one night at the cabin....Q and Paw Paw in the stand. They didn't shoot anything but got pretty close a couple of times.
Quinn and Nolan went from the deer stand to the dock to fish.
A little fun on the "beach"
Meanwhile Kanyon got to have a sleepover with Ro (and her hair and freaky smile).
Taco D, y'all. And this particular day Eden a camp friend showed up on her way through town!
Can you find all the kids???!!!
Kanyon is STILL talking about getting to drive the skid steer with Uncle Clay!
Of course there are always fish to catch off the pier at the house...
And of course my daughter is laying all over the dog. She just can't help it.
Gay Gay and her posse.
Saying goodbye the last night is always THE WORST.
Me and my bros.
The next morning we were on the plane headed out.
Our little travelers do a pretty good job. We're older and a little more experience and they make it all pretty easy.
As if a great time in Texas wasn't enough to be thankful for, we flew in to Billings and found out Tye and Rachael were there to have the baby!!! So Kory took the kids home and I stayed in Billings to be there for the arrival of Mr. Tre West Phillips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daddy with his new boy.
Nolan is now de-throned as our only nephew! We are so happy Tre is here and thankful to have a new one to love. What a way to end a Thanksgiving break!
1 comment:
That's quite a story. 🤗 Being self isolated frees up time to read important things.
Sheila Icenhower
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