Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Card Outtakes

Good ol' Mindi came over to take our picture the other night. Almost 300 pictures later, we figured surely we had enough to find ONE good one. BTW, she had that rapid fire mode on her camera, that's how we took so many. Anyways, here are the outtakes.....I think it will be obvious why these didn't make the cut. And we didn't even TRY to get Ollie to cooperate!

I'm still laughing at klp's lip in the first one.

klp making sure the boogie man didn't sneak up behind us

KLP lookin' a little hazy

"SAVE ME DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Could klp look any sadder? Is "sadder" a word? It is to me.

We were having a tough time getting klp to smile. Earlier that day, he was cracking up when KLP would blow on his fingers. So we were doing this and trying to hurry and get back to "position" It worked on some........others not so much

Tears are flowing

klp verifying that yes, I do have split ends and I need a hair cut.

Now on to the just Kanyon part. When he laughs he rocks back and forth...that is cute in person, but makes it hard to catch a good one.

Gotta love my little cross-bite crooked smile boy

"Look Mom... I'm DONE"

"I'm officially ignoring you now."

I still can't believe I have a child that has blue eyes...I was NOT expecting that. Or the light hair. Or the out of control untamed wild mustang spike turned rat tail on the side. I did expect and hope for the alfalfa.

He woke up from his nap that day with a zit. Just like in the movies...a zit on picture day. Fantastic Picasa 3 has a tool that helped me make it go away for the card picture.

I'll post the card picture later. Merry Christmas!


Holly said...

So cute! I can't wait to see the card pic!!

Tiffany said...

Hey Jaymie, this is a random question...I think I remember seeing pictures from last Christmas or sometime of ya'll with the fake tattoo sleeves? Where did you get them? I could have mixed this up completely! I'm looking for some for my family! Thanks!

Meagan said...

Kanyon is probably the cutest little boy that I know. And he's got a fun mom. I like the outtakes, it reminded me of all the times Erin made us re-take our family Christmas picture because of some insane flaw obvious to only her. please don't tell her I said that.

TexasNeals said...

so cute! i loved that! :)
looking forward to the one that made the cut!

Anonymous said...

the outtakes were very humorous...Kanyon is such a big boy now. Time flys!

erin f. said...

Ummm, Meagan I can read what you wrote and I resent it.

However, you can ask my husband...Christmas picture taking is no better around our house because I am so picky. Poor Todd had to sit through an hour of us taking pictures of ourselves. I would look at ever one and make some sort of frustration noise and we would have to take it again. Todd is like a little kid and acts like he is being tortured to have to take pictures together. AND we ended up just using the very first picture we took with the 10 second timer because I eventually gave up (the whole height difference thing makes pictures very difficult).

Also, for the record, I can remember some serious Christmas picture taking drama that revolved around Meagan as well...I won't go into any details!

Anonymous said...

kanyon looks SO tough picking out a christmas tree. seriously. kasey

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