So, some of you knew that today was my first day "on my own". I go to the Dr. Thursday to get officially cleared to lift my 30+ lb. son, but I'm close enough to six weeks. I have had a GREAT 6 weeks. A big huge world wide web THANK YOU goes to our parents. Both sets have been a HUGE help. I have seen both of our dad's change diapers, feed bottles, and rock Kanyon which is kinda funny. I think its been a while since they've had to do that. Both Mom's were ROCK STARS who basically took care of Kanyon and kept our tummies fed. In a "normal situation" I might could've been a lone sooner, but the fact that klp can do nothing independently and requires me to lift him even if its just up to the couch not to mention high chairs, crib, etc. I have also realized that the whole experience of the twins and all that followed has made me a completely different person (that's a whole blog on its own) and one of the ways is that I'm just NOT a risk taker. Its just not worth it to me anymore. So, even though I was ready to get back to "normal" several weeks ago, it wasn't worth the risk of messing something up with my surgery. And yes, I really was ready. As much as I love my mom and my mother in law and the rest of our families (and other people who have helped out) and how nice it was to have help and LOTS of it, I was ready to get on with what will become our new normal.
So, today I decided everyone in the Phillips Phamily was going to have a reality check.
Me: well, duh. I'm doing it all on my own.
Kory: Depending on how this transition goes, he may find that his wife isn't as cool and calm as she's appeared to be the last 6 weeks. And, there's a little more work waiting for him when he gets home than there used to be. Lots of KLP klp time. Luckily, klp thinks his daddy is the greatest thing in the universe.
Kanyon: "Uhhhhh Where's my non stop entertainment and play slaves?" He is gonna have to play by himself and fun with mom might get interrupted or cut short.
Quinn: "Why isn't Mommy holding me right now?" The last 6 weeks I held him LOTS. I wanted to. I've learned that about myself. I just want to hold my babies. Sue me. I'm not worried about spoiling or anything else. I think its too young for that nonsense. BUT qsp got a taste of what might be his new fate. A little more alone time, a little less mommy.
Going into this, I wasn't really worried. People adjust to new kids all the time. Kanyon does require a little bit more/different care than the norm, but for the most part, its not that big of a deal. BUT the feeding was what worried me. Kanyon's schedule is strict and I have MAYBE 30 min. of wiggle room with his meal/snack times and therefore his nap time. AND they last 30 min. AND I run the meals. I have to be right there engaged and actually doing this the entire 30 min. I don't have the luxury of throwing some food on a tray and letting him eat it while I do other things. I was worried Quinn would need to eat at the same time (which happened LOTS when we had our help, but luckily they could feed klp) and its still taking a good while to feed Quinn (I guess we're both still learning). I didn't now how I would work out feeding them both.
So how did it go?
GREAT! Quinn ate around 4am and never really went back to sleep good so neither did I, but that's OK. The timing of the eating worked great! I managed to feed both boys, get both boys asleep at the same time, catch a little nap, shower, get supper ready, feed Kory, get ready for small group and only be 9 min. late leaving. I did forget to eat breakfast (I LOVE breakfast, I NEVER skip it) and did it again at lunch. I wondered why I was starving at 4:30! And I forgot to feed Ollie. Other than that, I think we got it all done! I think the timing of the eating is going to be my biggest challenge and therefore determine how smooth our days go. We also didn't have therapy today so that was good. We have it tomorrow so hopefully I can throw the therapy schedule in with the feeding/nap schedule and make it work.
When I sat down to do this blog it was going to be short. Sorry. I don't even have pictures.