There are lots of things going on around here, but I've got a blog in my bones, so I'm gonna blog instead of do something off of the mile long list of things that need to be done before Friday.
Big things have happened the last few weeks. The most gigantic of which is the all out eater I have in my house. I use the term "all out" a little loosely as we still have some kinks to work through, but they need time. Kanyon has done great. In fact, I just washed down 4 jars of prepared blended food down the sink. I always had a stash of it to grab and warm up for his next meal. We won't be needing that anymore. I'm pretty sure I still have some in my freezer that need throwing out. As I was throwing them out, I was thinking how even though its only been 3 weeks, I can't even IMAGINE feeding him that blended stuff and doing meals like we used to! It seems so far away! GOOD!
My counters are a little less cluttered now too. The magic bullet is no longer needed multiple times a day, so I actually take the time to unplug it and put it under the counter where it belongs. Another big thing is that for the first time 3 1/2 years, there aren't BOTTLES on my counter. Kanyon has been gradually working his way off of the bottle. He's been using a sippy cup for a long time, but we were still giving him his required pediasure at night with the bottle. He doesn't need the bottles anymore for anything! We just kind of looked up and realized we'd been giving him everything in his sippy cup and hadn't used a bottle in weeks. That means for the first time in 3 1/2 years I'm not washing bottles anymore!!! There were many many months (years, really) that I would stand over that sink multiple times a day scrubbing and rinsing and washing. It was always a job our moms did to help us and give us a break. Sunday afternoon I packed the bottles up (and all their parts.....remember we used those crazy ones with a billion peices) and the bottle dryer and all the other things that go with it! Now I need a kitchen make over!!!
It seems like it took us forever to get to the point where klp would drink his bottle on his own....even if it was in a bouncy seat when you're 3. He STILL loves that thing. These bottles really did save my life though. We couldn't find anything for him to use with his thickened milk and my mom found these and really really did SAVE us!
We are also shedding a little more equipment. Our long time friend the standing frame has been with us for about 2 years. Is GONE! Kanyon goes over to where it used to "park" in the living room and points and makes all kinds of chatter noise...I think he's asking me where in the world that thing went! Its nice to have one less giant piece of equipment in our house. Now that Kanyon graduated to a walker, we also gave his gait trainer back. NICE!! Now I need a living room make over!!!
Here he is in his standing frame. I always thought it was extra cute from behind. We used it for a long time, this was right after we got it. He was about 18 months old.
I somehow don't have a picture of him in his gait trainer. But I know I have videos.
Each of these are little pieces of freedom that we are all enjoying. Obviously they make things easier for Kory and I, but I can't help but think Kanyon feels free too. Hopefully this independence that he is working so hard for and gaining a little at a time is giving him confidence and joy! This blog makes it seem like all of this just happened so fast, but this child has been working so hard for all of these things. As we've learned over and over, no transition or "milestone" happens quickly. Each one is HOURS AND HOURS (and sometimes years) of work for pretty much everyone involved. But no one works harder than Kanyon and that is what makes us so proud when he accomplishes something. Not a single one of these was a guarantee and we are not promised any more. We know it could be worse, harder, and slower. We are thankful for every single little thing, and some things may seem little that are really huge! :)
As for Quinn, he's making me realizing how fast babies really do grow out of things. No more baby stuff for him...he hasn't been in his swing or bouncy seat for months (which is probably good since he probably met the weight limit months ago!) and he's outgrowing clothes like crazy.
Reflecting is good for me, it reminds me that we aren't in fact standing still though it can feel like it. It reminds me that it does pay off, and it gives me a little burst of energy to keep going!
What an uplifting and awesome blog post! This is all so wonderful to read.
Way to go Kanyon!
What a fun entry today! So proud of ALL you guys! I'm STILL waiting for the Labor Day pix......
Love to all 4!!!!!
Go Kanyon!!! We're so proud of you all the way in Indiana :)
Ok, so I hadn't read THIS post when I talked to you last night. Even MORE awesome news!! I am so happy & excited & proud for you guys! You are amazing parents and it shows thru all Kanyon is and does! And thru the utter sweetness that is Quinn :). Congrats on some much deserved freedom!!! SOOOOOO happy for you!
yay kanyon!!! that is awesome jaymie, soooo happy for y'all. i need to see him soon!! :)
so proud of your family. love you!
Jaymie,!! Thank you, Thank you Lord! I am soooo excited to read this post. What sweet answers to prayers! I couldn't be happier for you and your family. I know it has been extremely hard on everyone the last few years, thank you for taking the time to reflect and share your feelings. I can totally relate to the "standing still" feeling.
You are such an encouragement to me and I'm so thankful for the wonderful example you and Kory are to us and so many other families. Praising God with you for these blessings, thanking Him for light in the tunnel and praying for continued renewal for your soul. Blessings on you!
awesome. awesome. awesome!!! :)
Yeah Kanyon! I know like you said this is a huge weight off of all your shoulders!
Thanks for sharing his progress with us! I know you're so proud of him! Hope y'all are doing great!
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