Saturday, May 13, 2017

Spencer Family Big Sky Ski Trip

Our Spencer Family ski trip this year was supposed to be at Big Sky so that it was just a few hours from us and it would make it easier on Kory.  In a cruel turn of events, as if Kanyon being super sick wasn't cruel enough, my entire family was headed to Montana and I was stuck in Seattle.  It ended up working out good because Kory took Quinn and Juney to Bozeman where he flew out as the Spencer crew was flying in so they got our Suburban and 2 of our kids and headed to the slopes while Kory hopped a plane to be with us in Seattle. I was so happy that my 2 didn't have to miss the trip and it gave them something super fun to pass the time while me and Kory were with Kanyon.  It was Jaylie June's first time to ski and I was so bummed I was missing it.  Thankfully my fam kept me well in the loop with pictures and videos all week...So while all the yucky stuff was going on in Seattle, here's what the Ski Bums were up to....

Aunt Mo dropping Juney girl off at her first day of ski school! The first day went pretty good because excitement was high. J worked hard on her pizza down but wasn't too interested in stopping with the pizza. All in all a successful first day on the slopes.  

Supper time! 

Getting ready pictures are always so cute to me.  These sweet little ski bums are the cutest things in the world. Jaylie, Ellie, Marion were the 3 amigos most of the time.  Poor Colbie isn't ready to ski yet so she gets to hang out with Gay Gay all day.  Not a bad deal.  

Jaylie June and Ellie with their ski teacher.  

This is Juney talking to me after her first day filling be in on all the details! 

Post ski school picture with thumbs up from Jaylie and Ellie.  I think after the 2nd day they decided to just send Jaylie and Ellie for 1/2 a day of lessons.  They were pretty worn out after half a day and it was really cold that week. J got in a little funk after Ellie got moved up (a tough ski school lesson to deal with ha!) but I think she recovered and did fine.  

Poor Baby Colbie wanted to ski so bad.  Her sisters let her wear their gear to make her feel more a part.  Ha!

Kanyon got a sweatshirt and these helmet stickers for Christmas.  He got enough for all his cousins to have one for their helmets so we were excited about all wearing them on the trip.  As it turned out, their favorite Bi-Skier was stuck in a hospital, but they wore the stickers anyways rallying for Kan Man.  

Carrying your skis is the second hardest thing about skiing.  The first hardest is getting your boots on.  Necessary evils to turn these girls into killer skiers.  

Bless Uncle Clay.  They found a sled and toted the kids from the car to the ski school drop off like that.  The temps were well below freezing and even below zero some days but I think by the time the parents got all the kids dropped off they were all sweating! 

Quinn and Nolan! They ended up getting to be in the same ski class this year.  It wasn't crowded at all so they had super small classes which is good in a lot of ways.  For Quinn it meant that he was skiing with skiers that were quite a bit better than him, but he made it through the week and in the long run was probably a good thing for him to be pushed a little.  

The ski teachers taught the girls to use their arms as they skied to help their feet do what they were supposed to do.  Straight arms for french fries (parallel).....

and bent arms for pizzas! J had a hard time getting that pizza down. The videos were adorable.  She was working those arms SO HARD but those feet just weren't always cooperating.  

The boys' class got to race the last day.  They even got medals! What a great day! 

The last day the ski teacher told Q and Nolan they were ready for poles!!!! A milestone I can't believe I missed! So the last day when everyone skied with the parents, they were so excited to get to ski with poles! 

Big group ski day!  

Big Sky has incredible views! 

The mountain photographer had a field day with the little ones one afternoon.  I'm too cheap to actually buy them but I'll screen shot all day long. 

J and Ellie on the slopes.  

For some reason Jaylie June was really into the "thumbs up" thing.  Almost every picture I got of her she had thumbs up

Amazingly after a long day of skiing the kids came home and sledded til dark.  Oh to have that energy! 

Here's the whole gang!! 

I know in the big scheme of things its not that big of a deal that I missed this trip but I am STILL so sad we missed it.  Kanyon LOVES to ski and of course he loves being with his cousins.  It just seemed so MEAN that it all happened the way it did. But we'll look forward to next year's trip.  

Rachael Phillips and Jona went to visit the fam towards the end of the week, so she was able to bring Q and J back to Lewistown. It really worked out great and we appreciated so much the group effort getting our kiddos taken care of.  Kids + Skiing = no joke.  Mom and Dad had to relive their parent days with my kids and my brothers added more to their already full load.  They all did great and my kids had a blast.  
And a car ride with Jona was a great ending to the week!  

I somehow forgot this picture in the previous post but we got this sweet picture from Clay and Mo's girls on the day of one of Kanyon's surgeries....the last one I think.  He was happy to have his cousins cheering him on! 

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