87 days and still going! Today was a fun day for me. This week I've been able to give
Kanyon his 1pm feeding with his bottle. The first few days it was pretty crummy. I spent the first day trying to figure out how to hold him upright, hold the bottle, the rag under his chin, and my fingers under his chin to keep his mouth closed, and then really you need another hand to rub his head or feet to keep him awake. Needless to say, the first time he didn't even take half of the feeding before time was up. But, I take partial responsibility!!! I have gotten a little better each day and today we were both right on! He took the whole bottle!!!! YEAH!!!! His breathing is even pretty good during the feeding too. Still has to have help every now and then, but most of the time he regulates his breathing well. His full bottle got a jumping cheer from his nurse and a bunch of kisses from mommy!!! We hope this keeps up since we can't go home until he gets it down. I forgot to ask how much he weighed today, but yesterday he was 5lbs. 6.2 oz --Not too shabby for a
mirco. And another occasion to be celebrated..he outgrew an outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His legs are too long!!! It was one of our tiny sleepers, but still, it's not everyday that he outgrows something!
We have another head scan tomorrow. Please keep asking for healing. We are praying and begging for the healing of his head.
Ok, I'll include some pictures now!
He is still not much more than a handful to hold!
Talk about COMFY!!!!!
This picture is for one of the ladies in his life...Ava Muns..she gave Kanyon this cool new thumby. It is much smaller and much more manly since it's green not purple! Thanks Ava!
we are loving all the great updates on kanyon and the sweet pictures! i am glad you are getting to feed him- i am sure that will become a very special time between you two.
what a handsome growing boy! and way to go momma on the feedings! prayers are being said for the head scan tomorrow. love y'all.
Way to go on the feedings! I am so impressed! He looks so cute in his regular baby clothes, too! Thinking of and praying for you!
Before you know it, you'll have boxes of clothes he has outgrown. And it happens so fast! Keep on chugging along..and always remember prayer works. KT
How exciting! We are still praying for all of you!
What a great day! Nothing so sweet as a baby in his mommy's arms. The journey has been long, but you have maintained such faith through it all. We pray daily for Kanyon and can hardly wait to here...we're going home!
He is precious! We are praying for you all!
What great pictures. Kanyon is so cute!! I'm so glad you get to help feed him now. I'll be praying for his head scan tomorrow!
He is so beautiful--I love his chubby cheeks. He's sure in our prayers every day. Y'all take care!
Hi, Cory, Jaymie and Kanyon!
We have been rejoicing daily as we check the website to see how God continues to show His glory through Kanyon and his momma and daddy! What a joy it is to see his sweet little face and to know that he's getting closer and closer to being home! We pray God's continued blessings on all of you today! Have a wonderful day enjoying His goodness!
We love you and continually keep you all in our prayers!
The Krupas
I am so thankful every day to see his little face. He is so beautiful! I love seeing his pictures and how much he is continuing to grow. God is so good! We are all still praying for our little guy and for you guys. You both are truly amazing and faithful. Thank you for that!
Kym VB
Jaymie, he looks so great! I am so thankful to see how well he is doing! Can't wait to see pictures of him at home, I know it will be soon! Love y'all,
It unbelievable to see how much Kanyon has changed. The Lord has done a wonderful work in each of your lives. Just think you have almost got him home. Every day is one step closer to that.
Way to go! We are so very thankful for all of the steps forward. Great job on the feeding to the two of ya! Sending a hug and our love long distance and our prayers straight up to our Father!
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