Thursday, October 25, 2007

NICU Reunion, Memory Lane, and Randomness at home

I had already started this blog and had all the pictures in order and then when we went on our walk tonight. When I got Kanyon ready, I took these pictures and couldn't resist putting them on here. So, to start you off, here is Kanyon bundled up for our walk this evening. It was fun to have to put him in warmer clothes...a shout out to Aunt Nancye for the great hat! Isn't this Fall weather great!! It is a unique time in our house when Kory and I are both happy with the temperature. It is finally cool enough that he's not too hot and it is not yet too cold for me. We're enjoying it while we won't be long and I'll be complaining about how freezing cold it is! :)

NICU Reunion!
Tuesday night Good Shepherd had the annual reunion for all the NICU babies over the years. It was really fun. The weather was pretty, but a little windy, so lots of people left pretty quick. There were SO many people there and it was fun to see the "graduates" that were big and running around. We look forward to being one of those running around. Of course we were excited to see our old friends, nurses, and Kanyon was happy to see his old roommates again. It was weird being back there, but in a way, it brought back good memories. The memories of how blessed we were to be taken care of by such wonderful people. Now, don't get me wrong, I was glad to drive away with Kanyon in our car instead of leaving him up there in a bed.

This is Janiya. She was the most beautiful tiny little thing you've ever seen. She was very healthy, just too tiny. I think she was probably Kanyon's roommate the longest. They were always right next to each other. She got there several weeks after us but we went home on the same day. Kanyon was very happy to be beside her again...see, in this picture I just think he was overcome with emotion! :)
This is Carter Grace. She shares a birthday with our babies. Carter Grace's parents are special friends since we were together at the very beginning. Luckily their time in the NICU was much shorter than ours because Carter had more womb time. We hadn't seen this crew since April so we were excited to see them. Precious precious little girl. She is also a movie star. If you live near Longview and see the Good Shepherd commercial where they show the NICU, that little baby is HER!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that til the reunion. Kory and I obviously knew the nurse, and we thought surely we'd have to know the baby, but we didn't know who it was. YEAH for Carter! She is definitely Hollywood material! Carter, Kanyon and Hannah. Hannah was born around the same time too, but as soon as she got a little stronger she went back to Dallas to finish growing. Boy these were some tiny babies last time we were all in the same room!
Yeah for Nurses! Tracey, Hellen, and Peggy. Peggy is Carter's co-star in the commercial. What fun to see them and let them talk about how big Kanyon was. In public, people obviously don't know our story, so they see him and talk about how tiny he is. It is nice to hear someone brag about his HUGENESS!!
Since some of our nurses were working during the reunion, we went up to visit. It was funny to see them recognize me and Kory and then kind of flip out when they realized that was Kanyon!!!
Kanyon was so happy to get to cuddle with Shelbi! He spent many-a-night with her!

This is actually not a nurse, but became a good friend. She sits at the post-partum nurse station so she was around when they were born and we saw her everytime we came in and out to visit. She was so sweet and kept up with Kanyon the whole time. We were so happy she was working that night!

Nurse Anna!!! YIPEE!!! We saw her in Hobby Lobby the other day, but she didn't get to hold him because she hadn't washed her hands! She was so funny..she wouldn't even touch him because her hands weren't clean! Nurses know all about those germs. We were so glad she got to hold him!

I guess it was the whole reunion thing, but I just got to thinking today about how far we've come. Some of this is still a little unreal to me. Now that I'm on this side of it, I realize how much of a "zone" we were in. I didn't realize exactly what I was dealing with. Now it scares me almost more than it did when it was happening. I thought I'd let y'all reminisce with me and remind all of us how far "we've" (and when I say we I'm including all my blog land prayer warriors!) come. Thanks again for walking through this with us and getting us through it.

Sweet baby boy only days old. For those of you that have seen the tiny diaper, this is it on him. It is about half the size of a dollar bill and you can see that it is swallowing him.
Here is the big man today a"froggie". Not the same material obviously, but they're the same size. By the way, he doesn't sleep with it anymore, I just put it in there for the picture.
I often think about how tiny he was that day I held him. I literally cupped him in one hand. He was so tiny and yet at the time, I didn't really completely realize it. It is amazing!

Ok, on a lighter note, here is the randomness from the last few days....
Another funny pose in the swing.

So, we're still working on the cereal thing. He eats it well once he gets it in his mouth. As you can see, its the getting-it-in-the-mouth thing that isn't going so well. He hasn't quite figured out how to open it to let the spoon in. I am also showing off this great bib. Kanyon's friend Tyler gave it to him.
Tyler (actually his mom Tammy) got it because it has Montana and Texas on it! I took a close up of Montana, Texas was covered with cereal goo.

If you're still reading this you deserve a prize. Sorry for posting the longest blog in the world.


Corbitt Family said...

I love the pictures of him in his camo hat! He looks so old and big. Glad you got to see some of the other families that shared your time in the hospital.

Sydni said...

I wish your posts would just go on and on and on. Every one of them. :)

Pearson Family said...

A post about Kanyon can't be too long! I just love that little guy. Parker just woke up, so I want to show him the picture of Kanyon in the swing, with the blanket he got Kanyone behind him. gotta leave the comment to show my guy the guy he still prays for almost every night!

Pearson Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth Morrison said...

Hi Jaymie,
It was great seeing you and your family at the NICU reunion. It is amazing to see how far our little ones have come since March! I truly enjoy reading up on Kanyon and would love to keep in touch. My email address is

Take Care
Beth Morrison
(Hannah's mom)

Anonymous said...

wow. amazing. that's really all i have to say. he has come such a long way and i'm so proud of him and especially you and kory. love y'all and see you soon :)

Carissa said...

It's amazing how far Kanyon has come. Thanks for all of the pictures! He's precious!

martha crockett said...

I hate to see your blogs end! Never apologize for the length, because everyone loves to look at your handsome little man.
Love you 3!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey this was a wonderful blog! I enjoy seeing all of Kanyon's pictures. I check the blog everyday to see the new ones. God has truly blessed this baby. Keep the pictures coming and God bless you and Korey.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I read your blog and look at those precious pictures. He has come so far. God has answered so many prayers!

He's adorable. Thanks for keeping all of us posted.

Tim & Linda

Anonymous said...

Who's reading? We are all just looking at the pictures of Kanyon. I can't beleive how big he has gotten. It is amazing how far he(and ya'll) have come in these short months. I am glad you were able to reunite with your NICU group, what a special bond you share. love ya, Peggy C.

Chris and Becky said...

This has to be one of the most awesome blogs I've read. God has blessed your little family and I'm so glad we're friends. He's a cute boy! love y'all Becky

Kyla said...

Don't ever apologize for leaving a long post. I love reading it! I got emotional reading this one today. Kanyon isn't the only one that's come a long way...this has been a long journey for you and Kory, too. Reminiscing (sp?) is a great thing to do and should be done often! -I laughed about Kanyon not quite knowing when to open his mouth for the cereal. Ava did the same thing! She just recently got the hang of it. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this! I have that very photo of you "kangarooing" Kanyon on my desktop at work. It is a constant reminder of the goodness of our God. Praying God's richest blessings on each of you during this coming season of thanksgiving - so much to be thankful for!

Tammy said...

Love it, love it, love it! I really enjoyed seeing ya'll this weekend! Kanyon IS getting so big... I guess that's what happens when you feed and water them!

Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

We love the "LONG" updates. It's all for the better and we get more great photos and info! For those of us a good way away, it's nice! Keep the great news and cute pics coming. Enjoy the cool air outside!

Jodi said...

Are you kidding?!?! Don't you dare apologize to "us"!! We can't get enough of you 3, your precious journey of faith, and the sweet faces of that little man! LOVED every minute of it! :)

Felicia said...

I love the comparison pictures of how big he has gotten. It is so hard to imagine how tiny he was. The "froggie" really helped see how tiny he was. He is truly a miracle. He looks so big and healthy and I love all of his expressions! I've really enjoyed reading your blogs!

Shara Smith said...

I smile as my eyes are filled with tears of joy! We are so proud of you Kanyon!! You are such a blessing to all that read this blog and keep up with your sweet story. Kory and Jaymie, your strength, courage and faith continually encourage me! We love you guys!!

Silverthornes said...

I love the comparison pictures! It is amazing how much Kanyon has grown. I can only imagine how great it is for the NICU nurses to reunites with the little tykes again. I know their jobs cannot be easy but I am sure seeing kiddos like Kanyon give those nurses a since of true fulfillment at what they do and rightfully so.

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