Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fall Festivities

Somehow it was cold enough for a toboggan, but not cold enough to need clothes....hmmmmm. (actually, I was changing his clothes and I only got half way done before I was distracted. Then later he asked me to put his hat on.....while he played with my phone charger)

I was really dying laughing at him the whole time....i just kept taking pictures, but none seemed to capture the endearing, scrawny, goofy little boy I was enjoying.

Some friends from church had us out to their home for a campfire supper. It was yummy yummy! klp wanted to swing, so KLP helped him enjoy this tree swing

and ENJOY it he did!!!!

klp and his buddy Addison

They are both looking, but not smiling.....about as good as it gets.

klp buried (he really did enjoy this, though this picture doesn't look like it)

All the kids played on this trailer ALL NIGHT. They loved it. The adults were talking about camping in the fall/winter. We wondered what the kids would do (since in the summer they can swim, etc.) By the end of the night we decided that all we need to do is bring a trailer and that will be entertainment for the kids!

My aunt Mary Lynn and uncle Steve came over. klp was showing them his book.


We spent this Thanksgiving (as we do every other year) with Kory's Mom's family. One of her sisters lives in Tipton, Oklahoma. Tipton is teeny tiny feel like you're in a movie small town. Its the perfect place to gather and his Aunt Geneva and Uncle John are the perfect hosts.

A wild and crazy game of spoons

Susan/Gram was at quite a disadvantage....she was at the end of the table AND she was holding a very curious little boy

Kory's cousins all have GREAT GREAT kids. They were awesome with our 2 little ones. Here is Kanyon with Caleb and Kolin

q, KLP, Judith, Wes, Uncle Tye, and Hannah

Jaylee and klp

Drake and klp

klp and Caleb

They have a little bounce house thing and Judith took klp on it and bounced with him. He loved it! He kept saying "BUMP! BUMP!"

Judith and Jaylee with q. I seriously SERIOUSLY miss these 2. They were so great with Quinn and I got to eat every meal without anyone in my lap!!! They are such sweet girls. I think Q really misses them too. He's been quite grumpy the last few days. I think he's having withdrawals from all the attention!

These folks are PUZZLE CRAZY!! They did lots of them. It looks like an eye roll, but I think I just caught klp mid blink or something. He was loving sitting in Joel's lap "working on the puzzle"

LOTS of laughter in this bunch!

Jason taking care of my 2 boys....see what I mean....even the adults were so helpful!!

klp "helping" Uncle John

All of the other young kids were gone home by Saturday, so klp had the Floyd kids all to himself! Here he is watching a moving with Kolin, Wes, and Jaylee. I use the term watching very loosely. About 30 seconds after this picture was taken he was very nicely kicked out of the movie room. He could care less about watching TV/Movies, so he's not fun to watch with. Though he is a cuddle bug, so Jaylee got to enjoy that!

Playing on the stairs!

It was a 7 hour drive and when we left, I had 2 sick kids. It was TOTALLY worth it! It really is a huge blessing to marry into such a fun, Christ centered family. It was great to be with them!


Sydni said...

That is a great bunch... well, I don't know the first people you posted about, but the Floyd family. :) Thanks for the great pictures. Clint and the girls would have loved to be there! Maybe they'll get in on it soon.

Marianne said...

Sounds like a storybook Thanksgiving! Love the pictures of klp in the leaves. Looks like all the ones of I have of all the cousins at Aunt Betty's.

Love you!

Fosters said...

I love seeing these is always so heartwarming for me when I see cousins together having fun! They will carry memories of playing together for all of their days! And, your children certainly have lots of cousins on both sides of the families!!

Kay said...

The Floyds from Friona? I have been following your blog since the twins' birth (linked from another blog)and didn't realize it was Susan's family. She was a year behind me in school. Also, I know Tipton- my husband's folks, grandparents, and brother's family lived there several years and know Geneva's family. I am constantly amazed at how God works in revealing many connections we are unaware of. I have often held your family up in prayer and now those prayers will be even sweeter.
Tell the Floyd's hello from Kay Riethmayer Rogers!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers