1). He is developmentally delayed, but they felt like he was doing about what they would expect him to do. They said we could take 3 weeks off his age per surgery to get a more accurate picture of what we could expect. He had 3 (4 if you count his eye surgery) so if you take that off of his adjusted at (July 7) then he's about 2-3 months behind that (Sept./Oct). SOOO...based on that little math trick he's doing things about like they would expect. His tone is lowest (weakest) in his trunk, but his legs and arms and head/neck looked pretty good. Thankfully we have great PT here so they're already on top of these things and I know that is why he go such a good "gross motor" report. They are careful not to promise anything in the future, because "you never know" but we are pleased right now.
2.) They were very very pleased with his "expressive language" meaning how much he interacts and "talks". The CDS particularly said that is a major thing that she looks for..how well babies interact and respond to their environment which is kind of an indication of his ability to soak things up and learn. This area was what he scored the highest in on his "test"
3.) His eyes are obviously a problem. He doesn't track well and doesn't always look at things when you're trying to get his attention. They suggested their eye Dr. that sees all their preemies. SOOO add that Dr. to our roster. We'll be heading to see him sometime in the near future. He just wants someone to see him that sees preemies who had the ROP surgery they're so different from "normal". We are seeing improvements in this area, but it is definitely behind and not normal, and they're still crossing so we're wanting to get on top of it. The things he scored the lowest on were the things that had to do with his eyes. We're praying they're just behind..not anything permanent. In connection with this they want us to have another hearing test just to make sure he can hear. We feel like that is not going to be a problem, but they just want to make sure.
4.) They LISTENED TO ME ABOUT HIS EATING!!!!!!!!! The referred us for a feeding evaluation there to check and make sure there is nothing mechanical and if it is just an aversion, they have a specialist to help with that. Not sure when we'll go, but I'm hoping this will help us!!!
5.) He is a little on the lean side so we're still trying to gain weight a little faster. He's still in the normal range, but we need to start packing on the pounds (hopefully we can get help with that with the feeding people).
6.) They talked to us about his CT scans he's had so far and without getting to medical-y we felt like there were obvious things that he said that pointed to GOD's hand in this situation. Thank you. With all of this comes a new request. I am saying this with limited knowledge myself, so work with me here. His head measured a little bit small (ironic since always before we were afraid it was too big). That doesn't necessarily mean anything since all he as to go on is this one measurement, but he said we want to see that grow over time so insure that the brain is growing the way it should. If this measurement were to stay like this over a period of time it would indicate no brain growth, but he couldn't say that sine he only has one measurement. SOOO if you still have Kanyon on your prayer list, this gives us something specific to pray for.... His brain to grow! :) All the head stuff is scary to me, but we feel confident (and have evidence already) that GOD is healing him and will continue to do that.
7.) He looked at his foot and didn't know right then and there what the cause was. He had a few guesses, but basically said the MRI is a good idea (we'll do that in a couple of months) and we'll just go from there. He's pretty confident (as is everyone else that looks at it) that it is not a positional thing...its either a nerve, muscle, or neurological thing. We'll wait and see.
Overall we felt like it was really positive and we were thrilled with the Dr. and the resources they made available to us. On top of our great Dr.s and therapists we already have, we just added a few more! Soo..i hope that wasn't too much (I feel like I didn't even tell you the half of it) information, but I wanted to give y'all an update. Thanks for hanging in there with us through all of this.
Now to reward you for making it this far...some pictures of us playing with Kanyon the other night.
This makes him giggle..he only giggles if its Kory doing it...not me! Thanks a lot Kanyon!
I reminded myself of this verse today and thought i would share it with you,
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understand. In all your ways, acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6
I know it is good days and bad, I will pray that both type of days that you and Kory will trust the Lord fully!
Love you dearly, couz
Got the scoop from your mom this morning, jme, so, the prayers for Kanyon's brain to be perfected are already started. I know for sure that he has the most delicious toothless grin I've ever seen. He is adorable!
Thanks for being so prompt to share all of this with his FANS!
Sayler says "Woohoo, baby cousin Kanyon!" Glad to hear that you got such good reports and that the doctors gave you plenty of attention and helpful ideas.
Don't sweat the weight too much - Sayler has spent her whole life barely even on the chart.
We love you all 3!
The Phillip's,
Yeah for Kanyon for just being him and making all the progress he's already made! Don't ya just get annoyed sometimes by having to meet the chart's standards!!? He looks wonderful and that big 'ol smile says it all! Miss Claire has just started throwing a few smiles our way, and it is like butter on toast...it just melts my heart! My prayers are always with you guys.
God Bless.
Stephanie Boutwell
Thank you SO much for the updates. You do such a great job relating all that info, sweetie!!! And OF COURSE Kanyon is still on our prayer list, so we will add those specifics for sure. I am so thankful that you had a good visit and felt so confident in your doctors... that is SO very important! We love you three!! Oh, and those pics are adorable. The most adorable yet, if that is possible! I may have to print #3....
So great to hear read the update. And so glad all is going well!! We will continue to pray for Kanyon and specificly for his head. He is so beautiful Jaymie, I love the first picture.
We're still praying for Kanyon! Thank you for sharing the update. I know that must be hard to put all of that in writing but you did a great job. I think Kanyon's adorable smile is him letting us know that he is loving life and that he has two amazing parents. :)
I am so glad that your experience was good. It is so nice to have the professionals listen and give you feed back that really does help. We will continue to pray for Kanyon, his brain, his progress, and for his parents. Ya'll are doing great. Thanks for all the updates.
I love reading the updates. He is such a cutie. We will keep Kanyon in our prayers:)
Jaymie and Kory,
Prais the Lord for the progress. We are so glad to hear of the great improvements. We always have you guys in our prayers, but will add the growth specifically for Kanyon. Thanks for the fun pictures and the update
So good to hear the progress that Kanyon's making! Sounds like the doctors know what they are doing and will give Kanyon special care. He is REALLY cute ... do they have a test for cuteness? Because he would score off the charts for sure!
It's wonderful that he is making such progress!
Ahhh! He is doing so good! What a blessing! Jaymie, I think he looks a lot like you! I love the picture of him and Kory! It is so much fun to watch our husbands be such great daddies!!!
thank you for continuing to keep us all updated about your grand kanyon. praying as always for your wonderful son. and i love the pic of him giggling!
Hi, I'm a friend of Jaime Banks and wanted to let ya'll know I've been praying for your family since the very beginning. I was wondering if you've ever heard of www.westonaprice.org. They have some very sound nutritional addvice. My mom has studied nutrition for over 25yrs. and their info is some of the best. Also check out "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. She has a whole section on babies and recipes for nutrient dense food that they need in order to develop properly. I hope I haven't overwhelmed you with more information...just wanted to let you know I care! May God bless you!
Elizabeth L.
P.S. www.mercola.com is also another very good site.
Just wanted you to know that all of you continue to be in my prayers all the way over in Italy. Kanyon is cuter than words could ever express.
Hey there! I know I have posted to you in a long time, but I just wanted to let you know that I still come to check on Mr. Kanyon all the time! He is so precious and sweet! I love all of your pictures. You are doing such a great job. I know this is a role you never thought you would be in, but just from what you write I can tell you have handled it all with grace and perserverance. God speaks through you and your precious family. I will definitely continue those prayers!!!
Wow! What a sweetie! I love the first picture! Thank you for sharing all that info. You are very good at it. Kanyon is so blessed to have you for a mommy! Keep it up... and we will continue to pray for Kanyon and you. Love ya!
He is too precious! You are all in our prayers daily. ~smile~ We love you.
Don't the giggles and coos just melt your heart?!?!? Thanks for providing the update - will definitely continue praying for your little fighter. Love you.
the pruitt's still got you guys and the k-phil on the prayer list. we love you guys... and it was great to have you both at small group the other night. looking forward to having the 3 of you sometime soon!
Such a sweet smile. Thanks for the understandable explanation of your dr. visit. You're right, there are definitely issues to pray for, but it's also very obvious that God is at work in your little boy. Y'all take care!
Thanks for the update Jaymie! We still pray for Kanyon all the time and I constantly check your blog for cute pictures and the latest news. I will be praying even harder for his brain to grow! He looks so good and I love his sweet smile. We love you guys so much.
Erin and Todd
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