1. His bouncy seat. His first love remains at the top of his list. He plays, sleeps, eats, and settles his food (reflux--can't lay him down) in his bouncy seat. He loves it!!
2. This mirror toy. He really looks at it and tries to play with all the things on it. Maybe he's vain and just like to look at himself in the mirror..who knows.
4. PEACHES!! Like any good East Texas boy, he LOVES peaches. It is the one food he will eat every time. And I can trick him into eating other stuff with the peaches.
5. Staying up late. He comes from a long line of night owls, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. He COMES ALIVE about 9:30 and is up until at least midnight. This works fine with me because I'd rather stay up late myself. We have some fun times during those hours.
6. Twirling my hair. This is new just within the last couple of weeks. He reaches up for my hair and twirls it while he eats. Since my hair is short, I have to bend my head over which sometimes gives me a crick and the twirling can give me headaches when he pulls it, but it is worth it. He seems to eat better when he twirls and his hand looks cute. That is what he's doing in this picture even though you can't see it that well. This might be genetic too...it is a Spencer thing. 7. Sucking on a rag. He is OBSESSED! He doesn't care about sucking his thummy or a toy, but he goes to town on a burp rag! His hands come in a close second to the rags.
8. Picking his nose. Ok, so maybe it is not really a favorite, but he somehow got his finger in his nose and left it there just chillin' for a LONG time. This picture was too funny not to share.
9. Vitamins. Yes those nasty brown ones. He sucks them down like its candy. Nasty.
10. Talking. If there has been one big change in the last month, I'd say it is his talking. He is non stop and we LOVE it!
Can't wait to see what the 11th month holds!
GREAT blog! I love the hair thing. You're just going to have to let it grow out again!
He looks so good, J-me. Can't wait to see him again!
Love you all!
I love his nose picking, reminds me of his father:)
I still sleep with my a blanket up to my face, you can say that he gets that from cousin susan if you would like :) in fact, I can't sleep without the side of my fave covered. strange hugh?
Sweet kanyon made my 30 days of praise-30 days before I turn 30. I thank God every day for His healing sweet Kanyon and still to this day, pray that he has a long, precious life with you guys.
Love you all
I still sleep with my a blanket up to my face, you can say that he gets that from cousin susan if you would like :) in fact, I can't sleep without the side of my fave covered. strange hugh?
Sweet kanyon made my 30 days of praise-30 days before I turn 30. I thank God every day for His healing sweet Kanyon and still to this day, pray that he has a long, precious life with you guys.
Love you all
my crazy kids loved those nasty vitamins too... now i couldn't get them to take those for love or money, but when they were little, let me tell you..... anyway thanks for sharing... we love to see all of you....
Those pictures made me laugh out loud! He's just sooo cute! I hope you guys are there next weekend so I can squeeze the daylights out of him! :)
What great pictures! He is a doll!
I love it that he picks his nose, twirls hair and can eat peaches like it's going out of season. LOL Too cute!
As for your last blog, I too had a girls weekend the same weekend you did as well. I flew to Kansas while others flew in from Maine and Iowa. 7 girls, yummy food and drinks, and great conversation...can't beat that! And it was so needed. Sounds like you had a blast as well. ;)
Hey Jaymie! I'm so glad you found my blog! :) I have enjoyed keeping up with you guys and watching Kanyon grow. He's just precious! love you girl! katie
j-me, he is just licking the ball to show y'all that he is going to be like mj, sheesh, get with it. :)
love you,
He is too stinkin' precious for words. Seriously. Want to take a big ole bite out of him!!! :) In a good way....
Those vitamins are sick and I can't believe he loves them! Guess he knows that growing boys need those vitamins! Gross.
Post a video of that sweet talking sometime when you have a chance. And let me know ahead of time so I have my Kleenex ready! Hearing Reagan's sweet talking still tears me up sometimes! :)
I love the one with the mirror, so cute! I look forward to that basketball picture every month, it is a sweet reminder of what a little miracle he is! God is so good!
Love it, love it! Kanyon is growing so strong. He is a daily reminder that God is so so so good to us. I am blessed to know him and your lovely family. Karen
As always, love the pictures! It's nice to take a break from the coughing and throwing up that is my life right now as a mom to catch up with Mr. Kanyon! Love y'all!
Awwww Kanyon...you are so precious! I too love the nose pickin' picture....that is just a typical little boy! And your FAQ's were very interesting! I did often wonder about those things. Isn't unreal how much you appreciate the "little outings" now? But this too shall pass...
Love you 3!
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