What is house arrest? Kanyon is the one on it, but since he's my boss, I pretty much am too. That means Kanyon can't get out in public. We have a few "safe places" we can go, but for the most part he's at the casa 24/7....me too.
Why? Germs. His immune system is still growing and developing. Something that wouldn't even surface in an adult could make him sick. Just a runny nose to a healthy baby or child might be major sickness to him. Especially with chest colds...his lungs had a tough start, we gotta give them some extra care. We just don't want to risk it...not worth it.
How long will it last? We will do this through cold/flu/RSV season (Oct.-March). Hopefully we'll get our RSV vaccination in March and we can start to get out by then.
Where CAN he go? For the first 3 months Kanyon was home, we didn't even take him to church but we decided we weren't going to trade off Sunday mornings anymore. So we all 3 go to Sunday morning church, but that is it. Kory and I trade off for Sunday night and Wed. night. He also goes to lots of Dr's (that seems crazy, huh..that is where the sick people are). As I mentioned, we have a few safe places. My Grandmas house and my aunt's house (no kids) and one day we went to visit a friend that also has an infant that is not mobile so we can keep them away from each other.
Are you going stir crazy? Honestly, I really thought I would. There are days that I might feel a little cabin fever, but it really isn't bad. I'm surprised by this because normally I'm a "go-er" but I guess I just know that this is where we are right now, so here we are! When its my turn, I get to go to church and if I need to run an errand, Kory will stay home with him so that is nice. When we can, us girls here get our husbands to watch the kids so we can go to dinner, that is nice. Plus, there are worse things than staying home........like driving back and forth to a hospital and sitting in a NICU all day.
Errands we can run: bank, dry cleaners,...well, that might be it. Sonic is our treat if I feel like we need to get out. Happy Hour..can't beat it.
A Phillips Phamily Night on the town: If we do get a hankerin' for a night out we will feed Kanyon and put him in the car...we will choose a drive through and eat it in the car or bring it to the house. Sometimes Kanyon and Kory will drop me off at Target or something and go get the food, then come get me. We also still enjoy the WONDERFUL gift cards our friends and family have given us (THANK YOU THANK YOU)....they are GRRRRRRRRRRREAT. Call it in, pick it up....Nice Dinner...still in PJ's. Speaking of....
Attire: Mine: Mostly PJ/Lounge clothes There are definitley days that I don't "get ready" I mean seriously, what is the point. I do put on my "nice" PJ pants on the days we have a therapist coming over. Kanyon: pretty much the same.
TV: Yes, its is on most of the day. Not because I'm watching it, but I need the noise.
Shows I used to not be able to stand, but now I actually watch: Jeopardy, Roseanne
Shows I used to hate and still do: Judge shows and Soaps
We don't have cable so I'm at the mercy of my rabitt ears. They're usually nice enough to give us 3-4 channels. That explains how I've managed to stoop to watching Roseanne.
Have I let myself go? Yes. Hopefully I can catch me again when we are a little more normal.
On a side note I have to tell this story. Right before I got married, a wise older man felt the need to give me some marital advice. He said, "You need to look good and smell good when your husband gets home." Ooops.. I hope he doesn't read my blog, he would be seriously disappointed in me. I look like a nun and smell like spit up or the day's choice of baby food. Oh well.
What do you do all day? I'm sure all stay-at-home mom's get this question and I really don't know how to answer it. MOST of my time is feeding him its a 1-1 1/2 hour deal every 3 hours. In between I do his therapy with him, play, and let him get a quick nap in before it is time to eat again. I'm still pumping and I do try to keep a decent house. We have therapist here 3 days a week for about 45 min-1 hour.
Any more questions, just ask!
Here are a few pics from the last week:
I thought he looked so chilled laying back on Kory. Notice the slobber, nice.
Speaking of Aunt Nancye, I think Kanyon inherited something from her. She can whistle really loud with her fingers in her mouth. Just a minute ago I heard a faint whistling sound. I looked down and Kanyon was chewing on his fingers and "talking" at the same time. It was making a whistle sound!!! HE CAN WHISTLE!!!!!!!!! Some things may take him a while, but his whistling is way way WAY advanced! Thanks for the genes Aunt Nancye.
Wow! I don't even know what to say except that Kanyon (and Korey) are blessed to have you! Your strength amazes me on a daily basis. Now I know where Kanyon gets his strength from. We will continue to pray for the family and for Kanyon's health through the yucky, flu season.
Ally, Jay & Camden Ocheskey
thanks for explaining house arrest more. i admire your upbeat outlook on your day-to-day life raising the grand kanyon. what a wonderful blessing for him to have such devoted parents to raising a Godly son and keeping him well in the process!
You are a wonderful mother for your beautiful boy and an encouragement to me!! Love you!
I am thankful our husbands keep the kids so we can go eat dinner as well! I look forward to spending some time with you at dinner this week!
You are amazing! Love you!
That was a great post. It really helps put things in perspective. You and Kory are doing such an awesome job raising sweet Kanyon. You have a great outlook on this time in your life, and I can tell from your pictures and the way you talk about Kanyon that you are appreciating every moment with him.
I really loved reading this post and getting a better glimpse into your life right now. You are an AMAZING momma! And I don't think you've let yourself go. From the pics I've seen of you lately, you still look beautiful as always. :)
P.S. I miss you!
This is Sam. I loved reading this. I've been real (secretly) worried about the RSV house arrest, since it is highly likely we will be having to do the same thing the first two winters. You guys are such a great encouragement to us. I was telling Hollee the other day that we'll have to get your tips for all the germ-fighting when the time comes. Keep doing a great job and I can't wait 'till Kanyon can beat up on the Ford trips in a few years.
You're a great mom. In case you hadn't heard that today - You are a GREAT mom.
love you!
WOW! You are such a great person/mom/cousin/woman/christian/wife. Thanks! Great post. Isn't it funny how you think you can get so much done being home and yet at the end of the day, there are things that you aren't able to get to!
The part about a wise old man telling you that you should smell good when your husband gets home made me laugh out loud...that sounds like something Todd's grand-dad would say! I think he may have even said it to me, but I definitely don't go by that rule either! haha. I am just glad that Kanyon is doing good and that you guys have been successful at keeping the germs away. Love you all,
Erin Faubus
Bah! I can't whistle no matter which way I try!
BTW, why do you have to wait until March for the shot?
Hey girl! Just wanted you to know I'm praying for your little angel! Love hearing what's going on with you and reading your blog!
Hey Jaymie, I've been reading since the very beginning, but I don't know if I've ever left you a comment before. I enjoyed hearing about the "house arrest" and all it involves. This is really random, but would be interested in any TV shows on DVD to pass the time since ya'll don't have cable? I have a ton I could loan out to you and mail on over. I just mailed out several to Annalee, and I really don't mind at all (its cheaper than renting!). Email me if you are interested, tbrowder1@hotmail.com, I'll send you a list of what I have.
He sure is starting to look like a little boy in this post. His grin is going to get him out of so much trouble, I'm afraid, though. After reading this post, my respect for you and Kory just shot up even higher, but I know you don't see your lifestyle right now as anything other than taking care of your family. Y'all are pretty neat!
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