First of all, I hesitate to even do this blog because I don’t want people to think I’m complaining. Yes Kanyon’s eating troubles have been terribly frustrating, difficult, hopeless, and incredibly stressful. There have been lots of tears shed as we’ve dealt with this and I’ve been tested and pushed in ways I can’t even explain. BUT I will be the first one to say that there are LOTS of other people out there who have it worse than us and who read about Kanyon and think we are lucky. SOOO, I don’t want to be griping and complaining when I know that we have it pretty good. People have kept up with us through all of this and have been so good to ask us how it is going. Instead of giving them the long answer I just say, “Good” or “Better!” or “Its ugly, but we’re getting it in” something like that….but there is so much more to it. SOOO, if you promise to believe that and know that I am not complaining or asking for sympathy, then you may read on as you keep all of that in mind.
Promise?........................... Cross your heart?.............................. Ok…then you can continue.
I never in a million years would’ve dreamed that feeding my son would be this hard. I mean come on, its eating?? Doesn’t everyone want to eat. As we’ve been through this, I’ve learned more and more that there are lots of kids that, for different reasons, have a hard time eating. OI think most parents would say that their kid has been through a phase of eating/not eating/being picky that was frustrating. Even if it is just a phase, it is enough to drive you crazy. The kids I'm talking about (and raising) aren't in a phase...there is something going on that is keeping them from eating. And as a parent, it is the most out of control, frustrated, desperate feeling in the world. It isn’t something you can quit! Believe me, If I could have- I would have quit a LONG time ago! There is at least one person reading this blog that I KNOW knows how I feel, and there may be others. But the truth is, 99% of people haven’t been exposed to this world of non-eating, battles, aversions, refusals, and insanity!
They started feeding Kanyon in the NICU when he was 34 weeks gestation. That is when babies would develop the suck-swallow-breath in the womb. It goes without saying that Kanyon did not “learn” that in the womb so it was harder to learn outside it. It took him a while to learn to eat and even when we came home it was tricky and inconsistent and I never felt super comfortable. It would take us an hour to get 2 ounces down him (plus I was still trying to TRY to nurse him before I gave him a bottle). We knew that being so premature and having so much done to him in the NICU that it was likely that he would have an oral aversion. Basically, not liking things to be in or near his mouth. I think if I had been intubated as many times as he was, poked, prodded, and “beat up” like he was I wouldn’t want anything near ANY part of me. The mouth is a very sensitive and vital part to the way kids (that’s why the put everything in their mouth) and especially newborns learn, find comfort, and “gather” themselves. So all of the trauma done to their mouth when in the NICU can take its tole on their feelings towards things being in their mouth. SOOOO we thought that is what we were dealing with and that it would get better. We would feed him for however long it took us and then hold him up for about 30 minutes to make sure he didn’t throw it up.
Somewhere in there we stretched the night feedings out (so all I had to do was get up and pump) and we felt like this was OK because he was gaining appropriate weight. After about 2-3 months and 50 million different tricks and ideas, we put the nursing thing aside. It just wasn’t working. He couldn’t/wouldn’t do it and we weren’t getting any better. I was sad to give this up, but knew I had to. Though his weight gain was good and he was a happy baby, each time I talked to a nurse, therapist or Dr., I would tell them how much he hated eating and that I didn’t think he was getting enough. They all told me to just keep doing what I was doing because it was working. His weight was good. I wanted to say “THEN YOU COME DO WHAT WE’RE DOING..IT’S NOT FUN!!!!!!!!” I knew that something about this wasn’t right, but I didn’t know what to do about it. By November it was STILL taking us an hour and a half to feed him and he was only taking maybe 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hours and then spitting up/ throwing up some of that. I knew one of these days he was going to level off with his weight because he wasn’t eating any more.
His growth produced strength and his strength gave him new ways to refuse his bottles. I would trick him into opening his mouth by dangling my hair in front of him. He would open up to eat the hair and I would give him a mouth full of bottle instead of my hair. Which may seem mean, but really it is nice. He doesn’t REALLY want to eat hair, that’s gross. It didn't take him long to get my number on that one and I had to get more creative. He eventually got to where he wouldn't open his mouth for anything (he would even try to cry with it closed). He would clinch his mouth closed and turn his head to avoid the bottle all while flailing his arms! We learned that putting the bottle to the side of his mouth made it a little easier. Kory remembered his dad teaching them to do that with bottle calves, so there must be some validity to that. We tried lots of things and learned a few that made it a little more doable. You can imagine how old this got and you can imagine how thankful we were for someone else to feed him. At that time, there were 4 people that could feed him. Me, Kory, and our moms!
While this was draining, I thought it would be over soon. We started cereal at around 5-6 mo. adjusted age. He didn’t do terrible, but he never really did open his mouth. Thinking it might be the bland taste (despite mixing it with my milk) we tried baby food. He actually did better with this and I thought we were at the beginning of the end. I figured at least he would start to eat more food and need less of a bottle so we could manage it that way. In my dreams. The baby food was successful for about a month and then we went downhill from there. I didn’t fight it too much once he started refusing it because by that point he was 7 months old (adjusted) and still only taking 4 maybe 5 ounces at a time….if we were lucky. So, I quit the baby food all together knowing that I needed to make sure he was getting his nutrients through my milk. Miraculously he was still not loosing weight (not really gaining either).
In January, we went to our Preemie Dr. in Dallas and I told him about this. He seemed to “believe me” and scheduled us for a swallow study. We wanted to make sure he was aspirating (which he showed no signs of doing, but we wanted to make sure). The swallow study showed that he was not (thankfully) but did show that he swallowed better with thicker liquid. So we started adding this powder thickener to his milk. This began a journey in itself. Even the nipples made for thicker liquids did not work for us. They would drown him out. So we tried making our own holes. That too was a disaster. Too small and he would suck for 15 minutes and never get anything and too big and he would drown and then be scared to eat any more. This was a terrible process! At the same time we were noticing that within minutes of mixing the milk with the powder it was loosing its thickness. We would start with thick and it would thin out and of course be too thin for the enlarged hole and create the drowning problem again. After about 2 months, we were sitting in the office of a nutritionist, child psychologist (don’t ask me why), and a child life specialist when the observing resident Dr. said, “Wait! Is that breastmilk you’re giving him?” She proceed to tell us that breastmilk has some chemical that “eats up” the thickening agent causing it to thin out. Well GLORY BE I’M NOT AN IDIOT! Everyone kept telling me that with time it should get thicker and I knew that wasn’t happening! So, they sent us home with the gel stuff and that worked MIRACLES!! Well, at least it stayed thick.
(Getting ready for his swallow study at Children's in Dallas) Then came the next breakthrough found by my mom. She was on the hunt to solve our bottle-thick liquid problem and it came in the form of an out of style, random product found only at Walgreen’s! It was a baby food nurser. It is made to put baby food in which apparently used to be the thing to do then all the doctors said don’t do it, so everyone stopped. Well, luckily Walgreen’s didn’t stop selling it. The nipple has an enlarged hole and it has a sliding disc to keep the food moving up. Sooo, we start using this bottle which at least ended the battle-- not to mention money pit--of trying to find/make the right bottle.
(here is the nurser...and a little shot of him eating...nice!)
At this time our main struggle was this: Do I keep fighting it and make him hate it worse or do we stop fighting him knowing he won’t get enough milk?? Time had not made anything better, in fact it was worse than ever. He had a bout in March where he actually did OK for like a week and a half, then after his surgery in mid-March he went down hill and never came back. My frustration and desperation had reached an all time high and I was at the end of my rope (that somehow I’d managed to hang on to for the last year). In one of my lowest points, my cousin Emily comes to the rescue with some helpful advice (she’s a speech therapist) and she kept me sane for several weeks. The whole feeding thing is kind of its own beast as far as therapy goes. It is a complicated and multi-leveled beast! Some Occupational Therapist do it, some Speech therapist, but it is pretty much its own thing so it requires lots of training and experience. Emily is one who does this, so she was SOO helpful! BUT she was in Alaska so we could only email!
We were to the point where he would open his mouth ONCE. So that meant I had to decide “do I give him medicine or milk?” because he opened his mouth that one time and whatever he took that first time was all we could get. Sometimes that might be 2 ounces, others it might be half an ounce and he would stop. So, you can imagine how nerve racking it was when I would finally get the bottle in and just sit there holding it hoping that nothing made him take it out. During that time, we came across Our Children’s House at Baylor thanks to a blog reader that I didn’t even know. Right after I contacted OCH, we had Kanyon’s 1 year appointment. That is when Dr. Chris showed major concern for his lack of weight gain and mentioned the possibility of having to do a G-tube. I was not ready to do that, but realized OCH was my last hope. At this appointment, he also changed his reflux meds (which we had started back on for about a month). Dr. Chris didn’t know much about OCH, but agreed to write the script and let me give it a shot. The people there were so great to rush us in because we were “G-tube prevention” and didn’t have much time. As soon as I knew we were going there, I felt some of the pressure let go and just made sure he stayed hydrated until we could get there. When we got there Kanyon was drinking about 16 ounces A DAY! Yes total! That is about what a newborn drinks. AND the only way I could get him to open his mouth was if he was asleep. So the 16 ounces that he did get were when he was asleep. During all of this stress with his eating amounts, we were dealing with the fact that just the smallest catch in his throat or funky swallow would cause him to throw up. When I say throw up I don’t mean a cute little spit up that you catch with your burp rag. I mean projectile everything!!! So half of what he did eat would end up on the floor. FRUSTRATION! Ok, so that is the deal with throw up.
We started at OCH as Day Patients, but that was just to get our foot in the door and as soon as a room opened up we moved inpatient so that things could really get going. The speech therapist came to talk to me and I kind of told her his issues. She went to feed him as an “evaluation”. She wasn’t going to keep him, she was doing the evaluation for another girl. After spending about 15 minutes with him, she came back and said, “Forget it. I can’t explain this to anyone else. I’m keeping him!” And we were so glad. That day Patti the ST became our life line! His eating issues aren’t the typical oral aversion, and he’s not really a “sensory kid”. Meaning it’s not the texture, lighting, noise, or any other sensory factors. So he’s kind of a tricky case that doesn't really follow one rule. She didn’t seem concerned that it was hurting him because once you get the bottle in his mouth he doesn’t freak out. He just tries to jerk it out but he doesn’t cry and act like it hurts. SOOOO thus began our OCH adventure. They immediately put us on a feeding schedule every 4 hours and explained that he will be almost impossible to demand feed because he doesn’t really understand what it means to be hungry. That whole feeling and cause and effect thing hasn’t, doesn’t, and may not ever click with him. You probably read about it while we were there, but between the NG tube providing enough liquid and us realizing how to handle him, we got better and better each day. We came home with the NG tube, but more importantly, HOPE. We spent a little time with the NG tube and got rid of it for good about a month and a half ago!
(tapey face NG tube boy!)
(the glorious night he threw up the tube and I THREW THAT THING IN THE TRASH! GOODBYE!!!)NOW…..Kanyon how takes all meds by mouth mixed with a little milk. He also meets and often exceeds his goal of 800 ml. per day!! His weight gain has been monitored very closely and it has been excellent. 14 grams a day to be exact! We are also on Pediasure now. (we did that while at OCH). Though I still had lots of frozen milk left for him, we needed to switch. Pediasure has 10 more calories per ounce than breastmilk and gives him the extra nutrients that, at this age, he would normally be getting from food. Because of the higher calorie count, he can drink less volume and still meet his calorie needs. So, I was sad to stop the breastmilk because I wanted him to have it until July (his adjusted 1 year age), and we were a month short of that goal. We still add hydra-aid (Simply Thick off brand) gel thickener to his Pediasure (I still call it milk sometimes, so don’t get confused) but as he takes more and more we don’t add any more gel, so we are gradually weaning off of that stuff too. Not sure how that will go since we’ll have to switch bottles. One thing I’ve learned is that even the smallest changes have a major affect on little ones like Kanyon and we have to take it slow. So the whole changing bottle thing may be a major ordeal. Oh well.
OK, so here we are today and this is what it is like feeding Kanyon:
We offer him 180 ml (6 ounces) of thickened pediasure every bottle. That is more than he needs, but some bottles he doesn’t finish, so it all evens out.
We stayed on the same schedule that we started at OCH: 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm
We have a time limit on his feedings-30 minutes. This was part of the plan at OCH. We aren’t supposed to let feedings last any longer than that. Most of the time we can do it and at least get his minimum. Then we have to hold him up for 30 min. trying to keep the throwing up to a minimum. We have actually started shortening that to 20 minutes and we’ve done fine. It is much harder these days to keep him still after he eats, but we’re pretty successful.
While at OCH the GI specialist prescribed him 3 reflux meds which we are still on, but “outgrowing” the doses if that makes sense.
I have to start his morning feeding at about 6:40 because he is ASLEEP and it takes him longer. This has always been our hardest feeding and still is. Other than that we stick to the schedule. It works because he’s not ready to go to sleep until 11 or 12 anyways. So, if you are our friends and you’ve tried to make plans with us that is why we have to work around certain times. So many times people have said, “Ahh, he’ll eat when he’s hungry!” but that is not the case. There is no telling how long he would go without eating if we didn’t make him. I also know that people are probably annoyed with us having to be strict on his schedule but it is the only way we can do things right now. Once we start feeding him we are stuck wherever we are for at least an hour. That makes it hard for us to do a lot of things without planning ahead. I’ve always been an annoying mixture of organized and scatterbrained, so this schedule has good and bad points to it, but the most important thing is that it is working for us!
I’m not going to pretend like eating time is a wonderful bonding time for us in our family. It is still pretty much serious business, but it is better. I start out sitting down with Kanyon in my lap and offering the bottle that way. He will take it, but not for long. The great thing is he will open his mouth more than once now! I am trying to work on getting him to tolerate me sitting longer. Why? you ask…because he’s nearing the 20lb mark (if he’s not already there!) and I get TIRED!!! Some days are better than others. He has recently decided to start fake gagging when I touch the bottle to his lips when sitting down. That’s nice. Especially when he makes himself throw up. He does good at first and will sometimes take the first maybe 2 ounces in like 5 minutes with little fighting. THEN WE START THE BATTLE for the rest of our 30-40 minutes! Once the sitting bliss is over, I stand up and assume the position. I hold him in a semi sitting, layed back, but the key is the constraint! I have to pin his right arm down so that he can’t reach up and pull the bottle out or block the bottle from getting to his mouth. I then proceed to walk, sway, and bounce while he eats (hopefully). He yanks his head to the side to get the bottle out a million times and I have to sometimes hold his head so he can’t do that and sort of force him to open his mouth, but at least he is moderately cooperative. He squirms and pulls and tries to get out of it with all his might. It is the wrestling, squirming, whining (from both of us) that causes me to say “its ugly” but at least I can get it in him. He is starting to tolerate more feeding with more peace.
One of the things that we are dealing with now is that I’m just about the only one who can feed him. Some of that is knowing how much to hold him and fight him and when to stop and give him a break, but the biggest thing to feeding him now is positioning. With his size and strength and tricky agility, he requires a professional touch. Thanks to 8 weeks in Dallas alone with him, I’m the professional. Kory is so patient and helps so much when he’s home but he’s having to re-learn a lot of this too. He will often start a feeding and then I have to come in as “the closer”. Kory will call for me “Joe Nathan! I need you!” FYI Joe Nathan is a closer for the Minnesota Twins. Feeding Kanyon still goes to the one who draws the “short straw”, but it isn’t as bad as it used to be and the stress in our lives is SOOOOO much less. I am thankful for Kory when he feeds him to give me a break. I’m sure our moms will learn again too and then we’ll have a little more freedom. Until then, I’ll be pacing our living room sweating holding a giant kid begging him to eat!
We are still on the reflux meds and feel like that is getting better. We always knew he would outgrow it, but he wasn’t GROWING!! Now that he is growing and getting stronger, he’s a little better. He still throws up A LOT when he does, but he doesn’t do it as often. He seems to be able to recover from a funky swallow or a cough or something like that that 3 months ago would’ve caused a for sure shower of milk! We can usually hear it coming so we can turn him and get out of the way of things we don’t want it to hit. We are glad we have wood floors and tile…easy to clean up! And you'll notice in pictures that our Lazy Boy still has towells covering it!
Now, those of you that are around us a lot may not have even seen some of this stuff. If we are in public or at other peoples houses where there is a lot going on, we try not to push it too much. Throwing up seems to be Kanyon’s response to over stimulation and craziness, so we just get a minimum and stop. We try to keep it as “pretty” as possible if we’re not at home! I still measure every cc that goes in and keep track of it each day to make sure we’re getting our total. It is also helpful to see patterns, etc. Every aspect of my life still revolves round feeding Kanyon and I look forward to the day that that can settle down some.
Of course a normal 18 month old or even a 14 month old (his adjusted age) would be eating baby food and even table food. We’re obviously not there, but starting next week we will be going back to Dallas weekly for his speech therapist to start working on spoon feeding. Maybe we can get somewhere with it. I’m expecting it to be a ridiculously long process, but hoping it doesn’t mess up what we’ve got going. We’ll see.
Why all the fighting and refusals? Well, we of course don’t know exactly why, but the “experts” think it has a lot to do with his early eating experience (being rough and difficult) and his reflux. Though he wasn’t always spitting up super often, it could’ve still been happening and it was burning his throat and causing discomfort in his stomach. So he learned pretty quickly and intensely that food=pain! So we are hoping that the reflux meds have taken the pain out of eating and that he will gradually un-do what he thinks of eating and re-learn to have a more positive response. If he could eat cinnamon rolls, I think that would take care of it!!
In the mean time. I feel like we have come so far, but I am still amazingly jealous when I watch other people feed their kids. I wish it were that easy for all of us. At the same time, I feel like I’ve caught breaks where others haven’t. In the midst of the most stressful days, my baby boy was still happy and easy going. When I needed to rest my brain before I exploded, he was content to bounce in his bouncy seat until I regathered myself. At the peak of our eating horror, I was stretched in a way I’d never felt before. It would be an understatement to say that it has often brought out the worst in me. I was all alone and had no clue what was going on and there was no one to help me and there was no way out.
Kids like Kanyon don’t follow the rules. They don’t follow the rules on eating, so the “normal” stuff doesn’t apply to him as far as eating when he’s hungry and waking up when he’s hungry, etc. It just doesn’t work that way for us. Like I said, I am not the only person to ever go through this and I know we haven’t had the worst experience! I just know that a lot of people have asked about his eating so this is for them.
We are so thankful for OCH and the way they helped us and brought some peace to our lives. We are praying that his eating struggle will pass one day, but realize it may not. We’ve been told that from what they see, Kanyon’s eating issues could be pretty long term. While I’d love for someone to tell me that he’ll be over it in 6 months and we’ll never look back, at least I know what they think and we can settle in and prepare for it. So...there you have it. The craziness that is feeding my child.
FYI Kory just fed him a complete bottle and he did great! YEAH!
(A happy milky Kanyon wearing a new 6-9 month onesie!)
I have never commented, but have read your blog from the beginning. My heart goes out to your family. I can only imagine the strength and energy it takes to deal with something that should be one of the "easy" things. Your strength amazes me. Kanyon is so lucky to have you as his mommy.
Hey Jaymie, I thought it was very interesting to read about Kanyon's feeding issues and it also makes me realize how many "issues" people have out there that nobody knows about or understands. You and Kory are doing a great job and I hope the feeding gets easier every day. I am also amazed at how happy Kanyon looks most of the time - he just looks so pleased with himself :) Ya'll are in my prayers. Love you,
Jaymie, What a great post!!! This has helped me understand a lot of what you have been going thru. I pray everyday for Kanyon and for him to grow up to strong and healthy. You all will remain in my prayers and thoughts.
Love ya,
I have also read from the beginning, but never commented, and I just want to say, you are doing a great job! I can not even imagine the stress and frustration dealing with this. You really are doing an amazing job, and I know that it will make a difference not only for Kanyon, but for all the other little ones out there whose parents have felt like they can't go on. With my prayers.
Jaymie, I have been one of those who has tried to keep up with your every post over the past 18 months and it has been such a joy to watch your sweet boy grow. Of course having followed you over this year I had read about his eating difficulty, but never knew the extent. I am so sorry this road to successful eating has been so long and stressful. You have been such a great mom and have obviously committed so much time and effort into it Kanyons well being. I will definitely be praying that the load lightens even more and that Kanyon can start sucking down those feeds even faster, and that he will start giving other people the chance to feed him too! :) Big internet hugs!!! You're awesome and definitely an inspiration to other Moms!
I absolutely adore that last picture! The fake gagging of late (sorry) but that totally made me laugh. :)
Now I'm going to start praying HARD that the spoon feeding lessons do NOT interfere with how things are going and that soon Kory (just like he did) can do a feeding by himself so you can feel confident and secure in not having to do every feeding!
Thanks SO much for that information. I've been thinking and wondering how everything has been going for a while now. This helped a LOT! You're an amazing mom and not just because of this, but for so, so, many reasons. Dads are GREAT and where would we be without them (REALLY!!), but, when it comes down to it the mom is the ONE all day every day, trying to work this stuff out! :) We get some of the most precious moments too, so it definitely has huge rewards! But sometimes... Ooof. This comment got a little bit away from me, but basically we love that boy and his parents quite a lot!
What an awesome Mom you are. Isn't it a shame that baby food doesn't come in the shape of cap bills or hats???!!! You continue to be in my prayers.
Love you!
Hey Jaymie - I also keep up with the blog,never comment, but always enjoy reading it! Kanyon has an amazing set of parents and y'all have a wonderful support system of family and friends.
Take care - Lexie (Breland) Brink
Bless your precious heart! You are so amazing Jaymie and I am in complete awe of how strong and positive you've been! Praying that the worst is behind you!
I love you guys!!!!!! I still pray for you guys daily .. will be more specific about his feeding and for you guys!!
Love to you all - Kerry Beth
We just had a few months with severe reflux when my youngest was a newborn. She is 11 months now and still small but she is healthy and happy. I know it is nothing like what you experienced but those months where it took almost two hours to feed her and she screamed and screamed and then spit up. It was a NIGHTMARE. Thinking of you all and hope it continues to get better.
Jaymie, thank you for taking the time to share this part of your life with us. Again, I marvel at your humility. I see you struggling to balance your needs with Kanyon's needs...something I think we as Moms will do for the rest of our lives...and you're doing an amazing job!
You and Corey continue to give and give the best of yourselves for Kanyon's physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and I love you and respect you so much for that!
Thank you for sharing; I hope that anyone who has ever judged you for the way you do things gained a perspective on your daily didn't owe an explanation to them, but thanks for sharing nonetheless.
Continuing to praise God for your life and example...continuing to ask God to provide the right people and resources to encourage and sustain you.
Love you!
Oh Jaymie!!
I can only imagine how hard this has been on you guys!! Kanyon is a fighter..he has come so far!! good job Mommy and hang in there :)
I am just amazed, and couldn't even phathom the day to day struggles. Kanyon is so precious and I am so happy that he has moved up in clothing size. I read your blog all the time and enjoy getting to know your family.
I think that I have commented a few times, but I am praying for ya'll with Kanyon's eating, and with the upcoming spoon feeding. I can't imagine what you are/have been going through with feeding Kaynon. God has given you amazing strength. I remember when my own son would get sick and not wanting to eat how frusrating that was, but to have to go through it everyday, I could not imagine. And don't worry if someone gets put off by you trying to keep his feeding schedule, you are doing what is best for your son. i pray that one day Kaynon's food troubles will be over and that one day he will learn to enjoy food as the rest of us do, sometimes maybe too much!
Jaymie, you are an amazing woman, mother and wife (and cousin)!Thank you for taking the time and explaining all of Kanyon's feeding issues. I lose track of it all. Love you!
The fact that you have gone through all of this and survived is amazing to me! Keep hanging in there and try to take comfort in the fact that we are praying for you and him. You are so strong - God gave Kanyon a great mom.
Oh my word, this was amazing to read. It gives me such HOPE that my monkey might possibly one day eat more than 4-5 oz a day (!). He is making me crazy right now, but it is such an encouragement to see the positive strides of your journey. Kanyon is a beautiful little boy and hopefully one day our fiesty boys can meet and play :). Love, Kelly S.
wow! i cant even begin to imagine the things you & kory have gone through. kanyon is a lucky lucky little (big now!) boy to have such awesome parents!
there have been times ive been frustrated & what seems like "at the end of my rope" with macy...then scott reminds me "just think of what jayme & kory have/are gone/going through!" so just know you are an inspiration to so many (including me!). keep it up! we cant wait to meet kanyon!
scott, christina, & macy moffitt
Jaymie - reading the complete history like this brought tears to my eyes and made my heart ache for you as a mom . . what we wouldn't do for our babies. I'm know your testimony will touch many today, but will serve to bless even more in the days and years to come. And your little man WILL be easy to feed someday - and he WILL even feed himself, and puking up a feeding won't be a part of your vocabulary anymore - someday!! May the Lord continue to move your whole family to a quick realization of "someday". Blessings on you -
I have also never commented before, but I have been reading your blog for several months now. I have a 19 month old who was born at 30 weeks at Good Shepherd-on a side note-the NICU nurses and Dr. Chris are so awesome! I just want you to know that I feel for you and I can only imagine how hard the road has been and I understand when you say preemies are just different and "normal" doesn't always work. It is so hard for people to understand that sometimes! My little girl hasn't had the feeding difficulty, but she does not gain weight well at all. At one year, she was only taking 20 oz of formula a day. We are also on Pediasure(would love to get off that!) and at her 15 month appt. I was instructed to wake her at 2 am to eat---are you kidding, I was just getting her to sleep more-we were so close to finally sleeping through the night!!!! However, of course we do whatever we have to do for our babies. Many, many people have never understood so many things that we go through with preemies. You also reminded me of those 1st days home of feed, pump, hold upright, sleep for barely over an hour and start all over-all while praying she didn't have a "blue spell." I had no intention of making this so long, but your blog is so inspirational to me and to many others, I know. I pray for all of you that the feeding gets better and that Kanyon takes on spoon feeding like a champ!
Well, girl, my respect for you (which was already very high) just shot way on up. Kanyon is incredibly blessed to have you for a mama.
oh, girl. thank you so much for sharing all of that with us. i knew that feeding him was a challenge, but i guess i didn't realize the extent of it all. i just hate it for you. i wish everything could just be normal and you could just live...but God is sovereign and God is good.
i am encouraged by your strength. i am encouraged by your humility. i am encouraged by your patience. I am encouraged by your selflessness!! i think you are just wonderful and so is kanyon. he is such an amazing little guy! he has already blessed so many!
i pray that these new things that you will be introducing won't hinder the progress that he's made but that he will continue to get better and better at it. i love y'all.
I just wanted to let you know, that you are doing an amazing job. I know that it isn't easy. But I pray that it will get easier for you and Kory! I know that God will help you in every step of the way. Kanyon is a lucky boy having you as his mom and Kory has his dad.
I wish you all the best!
Most Mommies would say that they would do anything for their kids... you, sweet Jme, LIVE it. I don't get to see you in action personally, but I am thankful for that post so I can pray more specifically for the three of you. Thank you again for the AMAZING woman you are and the AMAZING encouragement you are to so many. Mostly to me... it means more to me than I could ever tell you. Much MUCH love- J
Hi Jayme...I haven't commented before,but I went to ACU with you and have been following your blog for a few months. I agree with everyone else who has said "thanks" for putting this out there. I thought I had some grasp of what you guys went through raising your son, but this has put everything in a different light. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
wishing you all the small and big miracles you can take,
Jaymie and Cory...y'all are doing a phenomenal job with the Grand K! He's looking awesome! Please know you are in our prayers daily!
Bless your heart for being so open and honest about this great struggle. Many prayers for your sweet family!
My son went to OCH for PT and he had joint-sessions with a little girl born at 21 weeks and was dealing with feeding issues (she was 18 months at the time and ended up having a tube put in her stomach). Her poor mom just looked beat down every week. I know that y'all have many, many friends and family supporting you. I also hope that you have found other Mommies dealing with the same issues as you that can completely relate to such struggles.
That Kanyon is such a cutie!
by the way, we saw that little girl from therapy a few weeks ago at our local barnes and nobel. She is 3 1/2 now and is doing well....and the mom looks good too!
I am a friend of the McWilliams and have been reading your blog since the beginning. I am one who understands what you are going through. We got our daughter, she has fetal alcohol syndrome, after she was abandoned at our local hospital. When we got her at 5 months old, she weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. She was a full term baby but weighed 2 lbs. 12 oz. at birth. Her mom admitted to a six pack and vodka daily through the pregnancy.
She had a cleft palate, so that was a big feeding problem. We have been through much of what you are going through, but she did have a G-tube put in and when she left the hospital we were feeding 23cc. via the tube every 3 hours.
She had experienced reflux and resulting pneumonia so she had fundoplication surgery to prevent that. We did swallow studies, feeding therapy, various formulas and concoctions. She was on a feeding pump at night for quite a while, but she is a sensory kid and the pump noises and alarms really bothered her. We have been through numerous ear surgeries, and open heart surgery, too.
One thing you never realize is how much nurturing you do by putting food into a child's mouth until you can't make it happen...such frustration!! This was our 6th child. Once at an appointment, a gentleman in the waiting room and I were talking and discussing my daughter's aversion to eating...she was a toddler by this time and had teeth and we would give her crackers, but she might lick off the salt and that was it. This guy said he'd teach her to eat and took a cracker and said to my daughter, "look" as he bit into it. As if we hadn't already tried that...LOL They just don't understand!! Today it is years later and she is 19. She still has her tube in place and it has ben replaced many times. It is there if she needs it. She weighs 56 lbs. and is 56" tall. We eventually stopped the therapy, she eats baby food cereal mixed with Walmart's "Ensure" and Trix yogurt, Wendy's Frostys, and stage 2 Dutch Apple dessert. She drinks more of the "Ensure" during the day/night and that is her diet. She has eaten other stage 2 foods but then looses interest. Eating is not a priority. They told us from the beginning that she didn't experience hunger or satiety and if we didn't feed her she wouldn't cry to eat because she didn't have the natural urges. As she matured and became able to communicate, she learned that she needed to eat and learned the signals from her tummy that it was empty, so now she knows when she needs to eat.
After a while, the therapist and we agreed that as long as our daughter was nourished and didn't mind being looked at differently because of the way she eats, that we wouldn't press the issue. I still long for her to eat and to really feed her, but until she is ready, this is where we are.
She reads well, started at about 14 years, but has no concept of time, money, numbers. She functions at about a 10-12 year level. She loves animals and is a true joy in our life. We didn't anticipate a baby at that time in our life, but she has kept us young...and she will be forever young. Email me if you ever need to talk or just want someone who knows what you are going through.
I didn't check the email box, so now I have...duh!
I read through the feeding post again today and must add that your strength and courage is truly inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing.
Love you!
i've said it again, i think it constantly, and i'm sure i'll tell you again... but kanyon IS so blessed to have you and kory for his loving parents! you are incredible and i am so proud of your sweet family. praying specifically that the feeding challenges ease. love you!
So, basically, when Jude was having trouble eating and lost 11% of his weight in the days after birth, and they threatened to put him on formula and he looked pitiful...
Not a big deal.
You and Kory are very strong people and continue to inspire us!
Scott and Abby
Jaymie, This post makes me cry. Thank you for sharing your journey. Thank you for being such an excellent Mom. Thank you for believing God...that He loves you and hasn't forgotten about you and your family...that He knows every tear you have cried over your baby boy. I just cry with you today and send my love and prayers, believing in His high and holy calling for you, Kory and Kanyon!
Wow...I really did just read every word of that. I am amazed at what all you guys have gone through, and so glad it is finally getting better. Love you guys.
I appreciate your willingness to share your highs and lows with the world. I am always humbled and blessed after I read your blogs. I love your and Kory's sweet spirits and outlook on life.
Kanyon has touched so many people's lives in so many ways. I have been able to share his story with others. Iin fact, this week I was able to share OCH with one of the parents at my school. It gave her some hope she didn't have previously.
Thanks for sharing your lives with us.
Love you,
Dear Jaymie, Kory, & Kanyon,
I, too, need to "come clean."
I've read each post on your blog since the day Kanyon and Jayde were born.
Our family has prayed for you every day since that time.
Little Kanyon is so precious, and we have rejoiced with each new day as he has grown bigger and stronger.
He has faced and conquered many a challenge with your help, and, of course, with God's help.
Our prayer is that you will continue to be blessed with good progress and new milestones beyond your wildest imagination!
The Goodwins
Bill, Silua, Leslie & John
Celina, TX
P.S. We are Kory's cousins Jason and Sarah Floyd's uncle and aunt. (Bill is Jana Floyd's brother). Guess that makes us sorta-kinda relatives. I hope we get to meet you one day.
P.P.S. Go ahead and let Ollie lick Kanyon. I think it helps release "happy vibes" that boost the immune system. (JK, that's a pretty wild assumption on my part.)
Thanks for taking the time to write this post and being willing to share it. While I think about your family and pray for kanyon's growth and development often, I didn't really know what your day-to-day struggles and frustrations were like. Thanks for sharing honestly--the good, the bad, and the ugly. You are an amazing mother!
i am in total awe of you.
i had to come back a couple of times to finish reading this entry, but i am so glad i did. now i know specific things to be in prayer about for your family.
having more knowledge of kids with eating issues will help all of us understand and appreciate what you and others do on a daily basis. you have just educated hundreds of people on how to encourage and treat families who have to deal with these burdens!
i am so glad kanyon is growing and showing signs of improvement! keep us updated once the spoon feedings start...
You get the award for the best mommy! Your story brought me to tears as I read your struggles to get Kanyon to eat. I can't imagine how exhausting and frustrating it must be. Kanyon is so lucky to have such a patient and willing family. You guys continue to be in my prayers. Love, Jill
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