Monday, September 17, 2012

First 2 Weeks With Jaylie

Here's a little bit of what the first couple of weeks looked like.  These pictures only include the pretty parts.  I'm not gonna lie, the first week was ugly.  Very ugly.  I'm recovering from a Csection, Quinn was pretty much a terror.  I think he saved up all the bad behavior he'd been thinking about trying out and started trying it all out that first week. Kanyon handled the transition better, but it was still tough on him.  Throw a lot of pain in there on my part and it was just a rough week all around. I felt guilty that my mom had to endure it with me, but she saved me to say the least.  Things have since settled down and the insanity is not gone, but its just back to the normal insanity we are used to around here.

Confession: I'm scared to bathe newborns. They're just so small and slippery. My mom has given all 3 of my kids their first bath.  So here is Jaylie June after her first bath with Gay Gay.  I've  put my big girl britches on and bathed her since then, but that first time is just too scary for me.

When she was 9 days old, we took her to Mindi's house for newborn pics.  It was fun!!! I've never done that before so I was in awe of all the things we could do with her once she fell asleep.  It was like playing with a rag doll.

These are not the real newborn pics, those will come later....these are the "behind the scenes" shots.
It took a while to get her to go to sleep, but thanks to Addison's help we did it! 

I really healed from my c-section pretty well except for this crazy nerve damage/muscle pull that went all the way through my back. It was by far the worst part of my recovery and it WOULD NOT go away.  I couldn't stand up for longer than about 2 min. before it felt like an ice pick running through me.  We decided "walking it off" like I'd been trying to do wasn't working so maybe I needed to rest it and let it heal.  That and the fact that it might be easier on my kids and my mom to be at her house, I shipped my big boys off for the second week.  We met my dad at CDR because he had a board meeting.  So we dropped the boys off with him and that gave Jaylie June her very first visit to Camp at the ripe old age of 10 days.  

Beautiful clouds (not the bug splatters) on the way home that evening. 

So, I went home and my house was very quiet.  It made me sad to not have the boys there and I sorta had some guilt about it, but I'm not gonna lie, it was really nice.  Just having Jaylie seemed like a piece of cake.  And it was the week my church was bringing supper, so I wasn't even having to cook. I was a worthless, lazy, mama for 5 days! But I figure it will be YEARS before I can do that again! :)  I enjoyed the time with just Jaylie and as the following pictures show, my boys had no trouble having fun without me.

klp was sweet enough to give me a call.....

Q discovered the mask and "shin gardens" as he called them.  I think he wore them the whole time he was there.  

Mom sent me this picture to show me that they cleaned their plates at lunch! 

There was no shortage of Mule rides

q requested for this picture to be taken....he wanted to show the bead he found.  

Creating a masterpiece

This picture cracks me up.  My mom snuck in and took it. Q had made his way to her bathroom where the whole wall is a mirror (or "mirret" as Quinn says) and he was just staring at himself in his mask and shin gardens.  So proud.  

There was lots of fishing.  Q actually for real caught one on his own.  He couldn't quite get it reeled all the way in so Paw Paw had to help him at the end.  klp on the other hand never caught a real fish, but he sure splashes his pole in the water like a champ!

Can you sense the uncertinty???  Big boy!!  

klp taking his turn holding the fish

The cousins came out one day, so they all piled in.  klp has his preferred spot in the front seat and even the cousins can't usually convince him to move. I do think he eventually convinced a couple of them to join him in the front.

Lots of drawing with the big girls

A popsicle snack for all! Mom sent me a video of this and it was so sweet.  They were all talking and laughing and having the best time! Made my heart so happy.  

showing off his green tongue from his popsicle.  

The cousins leave and that just means more popsicles for these 2!! ha!

I really missed the boys, but I enjoyed my week with this little one...

We got the boys back Friday and then my mom came back Monday. We were all happy to see her! 

Baby acne has been fierce but her lips are out of control! She makes this face all the time!!  haha!!

Here she is sending a kiss to all her friends! Pucker up!


Kelli said...

Seriously, Jaylie is beautiful. Beautiful!

One of the lessons I learned after Parker Ann was born, is that I had no idea how much I could love my mama until she got me through those first days of having a baby. I think she will be even more necessary with older little ones running around. I've never been so grateful for her in all my life, and I will never forget it. Also, my mama gave P her first bath, too. Definitely too scary. :)

Your boys are precious, and I'm so glad they got to go have fun! Your folks have a great set-up for grandkids, I am jealous! :)

erin f. said...

I would have gone insane without my mom and mother in law helping me with Brown and Ellie. I almost did go insane anyway! But now we are cruising - both kids sleep 11 or 12 hours at night. The angels have reached down and blessed us with sleep!

Your kids are all cute. I love your little precious family! Miss yall so much.

Marianne said...

Lara and I have laughed until we've cried at Quinn picture staring at himself in the 'mirret'! Too sweet and really funny!

What a great time at Paw Paw and GayGays!!!

Jaylie is adorable.


Lilypie First Birthday tickers