A little mischief from Kanyon and his sock monkey.
Cute pictures in the tub. I have had a HORRIBLE time finding a bath for Kanyon. The infant ones were fine but he outgrew them, but couldn't sit up yet, so bathing was tricky. We finally found this one (thanks Mom) and it is perfect. It gives him good support so he can sit up and splash. Sure is easier on mommy.
One of my ACU friends is a NICU nurse in Dallas and therefore understands the germ situation we're in. She and here new little cute man came to see us at feeding camp and gave us this GREAT sign for Kanyon's carrier. He thinks its the greatest toy in the world and I think its great because then I don't have to say it (hopefully). Thanks Abbe and Avery!!
Kanyon made his first trip to CDR!! He'd been before but it was in the fall when camp wasn't really happening. The weather was beyond PERFECT and it was so good to take him to such a great place. He's already excited to be a Pee Wee in just 4 short years!
We went to the Dr. for 15th month check up and Dr. Chris was so pleased with Kanyon. He weighed 17 lbs. 14 oz!!! He had gained 3 lbs since March!!! He is back on the charts (the preemie charts, but that is where he's supposed to be til he's 2). He is 25th percentile on weight and 60th on length.
The last couple of weeks has brought some pretty big victories for Kan. He is a chatter box and making all kinds of new sounds. He can FINALLY roll from tummy to back. It still isn't easy and he usually only can do it to one side, but he's doing it more and more. His tummy time is so much better now because he's getting better propping himself up. I guess his trunk is getting stronger!! He is also very very very very close to sitting up all by himself. I'm not sure at what point to you say, "yes, he can sit up" but he can sit up for maybe 45 seconds all by himself even without the braces. He's just so much more stable than he was before. Seeing this kind of progress is so great. He works so hard to do even the tiniest of things and we are just so proud. Now that he's eating and getting good fuel, he'll hopefully keep growing and developing faster and faster. Along with the fuel for development comes a BUSY BUSY BUSY little boy. He is all over the place all the time. If he could run he'd run all day. He sleeps his mornings away, but then is up all day with only a cat nap here and there while we hold him up after he eats. He goes to bed after his 11pm feeding and sleeps great. Needless to say, my job as mommy is very different these days. I'm having to do lots more entertaining and keeping up! I am thrilled to be busy with a busy boy. I finally, after 15 months, feel like I don' t have a newborn anymore. Not that newborn is bad, this has just been a long time to have one. I was ready for the change in stage. I just feel so proud of him and so thankful for each new thing that we see. It is hard to explain what it is like to wait and wonder if or when the "next" thing will happen. So with each "next" thing we thank GOD and pray for the next one to come too.
If you've stuck through this post, you deserve a Good Blog Reader ribbon....I don't think they make those, so I'll just say thanks! We're off to check on the boys working. They put in long days! I'll have lots of great pics to post when we get back. Have a good week.
Such wonderful news! Praise the Lord!!!! I am so happy for little Kanyon and you and Kory!
what a sweet post about your boy!
It is so awesome to see all the progress that has been made! I am so happy and proud for all three of you! On top of all that, he is cuter and cuter all the time. I just love that little grin!
Great news! I am so glad that he was such a good traveler for you guys! Have a great trip!
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes reading about all the progress Kanyon's making! I feel like I'm missing it all... I've got to get down there or lure y'all up here soon. Kanyon is Avery's favorite (and most consistent) subject in her prayers. He's even topped thanking God for toes and butterflies. Thought you might like to know that! :)
Very impressed by his flexibility with eating his feet. And bath pictures are just always sweet. Hope your trip home goes as well and the trip there. And very glad to know he has made a social debut at camp. Y'all take care!
Yay for good eaters! We are so proud of him. And he looks so big and so cute sitting up in his bath tub! I can't wait to see that sweet boy and all his new tricks! Y'all have fun in Montana and come see us when you get home!
Way to go kanyon! I'm excited for each step of progress he makes!
Hugs to all of you and your Montana family. Erin, Mark and I will be there on the 11th!!
We are so happy Kanyon is progressing so well. Yay for the eating! Jaymie, you amaze me.
Love to all, Mark and Jana Hanner
Soooo glad to hear how well he's doing with eating! He looked so big sitting up in his new bath tub! Hope things just keep improving for ya'll! We're praying!
that is wonderful news! i'm so impressed by this boy every day. y'all have fun in montana! love you.
Oh I am so excited about him eating so well!!! Way to go Kanyon!!! We miss you in Dallas!
Yea - way to go Kanyon! I love hearing about how God is answering your prayers.
OH my word... LOVE all the pics and all the great news!!! SO WONDERFUL! I just love how much you praise and praise Kanyon for his new accomplishments and thank God for all He continues to do for Kanyon. It is just beyond great to read your posts like this! All of them really, but this kind in particular! We're celebrating right along with you!
It's so great to hear how Kanyon is progressing!! (especially about his good eating!) - We will continue to pray for your sweet family.
Lacey & Ryan
Woo-hoo!! I am so glad Kanyon is doing so well!! Getting so big so fast!! Way to go!! Yall are in our prayers as he continues to grow and get stronger!! We are looking forward to the Blog Milestone Updates!! Hope to see yall back in town soon!! Congrats!!
Congrats on the eating you guys!!! That is such awesome news and I am beyond thrilled for you that he has made so many great steps. His development progress is awesome too- I'm loving the toes in the mouth pic! I think sitting up for 45 seconds definitely means sitting up- what a little rock-star he is! I think about you guys all the time and will keep praying the eating continues to go well. Have a great trip! Love, Kelly S.
I'm so excited to hear about Kanyon's progress! What answers to prayers!! Hope you guys are having fun in Montana.
We're so proud of Kanyon, too! Now that I've gotten to see him in person a couple of times, I love it that I have actually seen with my own eyes how he is improving. Way to go Kanyon!
I'm so excited to hear that Kanyon is on the verge of the perpetual motion machine that is a toddler. I know how difficult I found it to enjoy the stages instead of pushing for the next skill or trick, but y'all have done so well to appreciate what he can do and to wait on the Lord to bring about the next step. Love ya, chica!
I've read your blog for awhile (friends of Susan & Paige) but haven't ever commented.
My son has been in PT at OCH in Grapevine for 10 months now for low muscle tone. I felt like I really understood what you meant about celebrating even the smallest victories. I'm so glad to read that you're seeing progress. Keep it up...you are doing a wonderful job!
What wonderful news. Thanks for taking time to post all the sweet details about Kanyon!
Love and prayers,
O Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and
praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1
Oh, this is such a sweet, good report on your little man! I do understand how little steps are HUGE steps in his world (and yours) - praise God for his hand on Kanyon. Blessings -
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