Mark Twain -Born 2 months premature in 1835, he didn't appear fit to grow up. "A lady came in one day," his mother wrote later, "and said, 'You don't expect to raise that babe do you.' I said I would try..."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)-he said "I sometimes ask myself how it came about that I was the one to develop the theory of relativity. The reason, I think, is that a normal adult never stops to think about problems of space and time. These are things which he thought about as a child. But my intellectual development was slower, as a result of which I began to wonder about space and time only when I had grown up."
Willie Shoemaker (1931- )-Famous American jockey. Shoemaker was born too early and too small, but he didn't grow much afterward, either. In his 42 year career, he's won 11 Triple Crown horse races and earned more than $123 million is prize money. It is said that his grandmother put him in a shoebox next to an oven to keep him alive the night he was born.
Stevie Wonder-Wonder was among thousands of preemies, who in the 40s and 50s were blinded by ROP (retinopothy of prematurity)...[kanyon had ROP, but now they have surgery to prevent blindess].
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy (1963)- The 3rd child of Jaqueline and John F. Kennedy was born at 34 weeks and died only 2 days later of RDS (respiratory distress syndrome), one of the most common complications of prematurity [both of ours had it]. The loss of the first family's baby deeply moved the nation and led to an outpouring of public and private resources for research and special newborn care units. Thanks to that support and the new treatments that followed, the lives of today's 34 weekers are not at risk for RDS.
The following list is "alleged preemies": Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Darwin, Victor Hugo, Richard Simmons, and Michael J. Fox.
Ok now for a few pictures of my favorite preemie since you sat through all of that.
big boy in his exersaucer. I think it has officially gone from a torture chamber/therapy tool to a toy that he enjoys!
Thank ya-thank ya very much.
You know, Wyatt Bowden does a great Elvis impersonation!! Perhaps the two cousins can tour together!!!
Kanyon looks so grown in these pictures. I am a bit jealous of his social life. So many ADORING fans!!
Love you!
haha that is hilarious! i'm cracking up...
that was really interesting. kanyon is for sure going to be included in a revised version of that book someday... i can't wait to see where life takes him.
love you!
I think the Elvis impression needs to make an appearance at a Killi Capers in the not too terribly distant future. I don't think they would gong that!
Great post! That means so much to a mom with three preemies still in NICU. Thanks!
Love it! He is just too cute. :)
very interesting! love "the elvis"! saw you at church. it was good to see ya'll in person! ;)
Love the Elvis face!
I'm so proud of you as a mother. You are incredible and I'm so thankful you're my friend.
Canyon is adorable. Him finding himself in the mirror is such fun! enjoy it. - kayci
We miss you guys and need to come visit very soon because one week seems too long without seeing Kanyon. He already looks so much older. I love his sweet smile. WE love you guys! Give him lots of kisses from us.
wow, kanyon is another one of those amazing preemies! that list was so very interesting. and i can't stop looking at your little cuties elvis pictures!
He may have found his calling in life--maybe you could advertise and get him some opportunities to perform for parties and stuff to make some extra money for himself.
I have enjoyed reading your blog although we have never met. I was at Deer Run with your parents (I was a camper, much younger) and at ACU with your Aunt Mary Lynn and Uncle Steve . So many connections, I also went to church with Aunt Nancy at Preston Road for years. Somehow I've stumbled on your blog through Christine Pinson. I've laughed cried and prayed through the entries. I pray for Kanyon's development along with so many. But I must tell you, you are an amazing mom. Your spunk and energy and love and nurturing comes through every entry. You are so upbeat and positive- this entry is such an awesome example. Kanyon is so blessed to have you for a mom. I pray God's blessings on you and your family.
Tami Weaver
love him
go elvis!
little hound dog
OK, next time y'all are over here I get to hold the Kanyoncito and make the blogg, too!
I think the trivia is very cool. I know we will look up some day in the near future and see Kanyon Phillips... Preemie or President! I can't believe how big he is... his legs are so long in that excersauser! Love you guys.
I just love him so much! His little cousin will be here tomorrow!
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