Monday, June 9, 2008

Let the Credits Roll

Feeding Camp is OVER!!! (for now at least) We left the hospital today late afternoon and said goodbye to our Feeding Camp friends. We will actually continue outpatient therapy with them 2 times a week, so we are not gone for good. I really like that idea (though it involves spending a night a week in Dallas) so that we will get followed as we continue this whole thing. We will have next week off and then will hopefully have our schedule set up to start outpatient speech and occupational theraphy the next week. But, I have a few (or a bunch of) pictures from the last few days.

Aunt Nancye brought over Cousins Chay and Morgan to visit. What a fun surprise! Kanyon was very glad to have a manly cousin there to give him a break from all these GIRLS!!

I took a self photo. I felt like I had kind of described our little time together..just me and him.

This is his great friend Anna Lee Litton. They are SUCH good friends!

Me and Kelly with each other's kids.

Cute pic with Paw Paw when he came to visit this weekend.

OK, love these next pictures. When he has his braces on he can sit up so much 47 seconds better!! He looks like such a big boy.

Here he is with his occupational therapist. Parents don't go with them, but there is a huge window so you can watch. We really liked our therapists!

When we go outside and the wind blows, this is the face he makes. I think its funny.
My parent watched Kanyon so Kory and I could go eat for our anniversary that was last week. This is what went on while I was gone. Looks like fun!
Kanyon is taking his bouncy seat to a whole new level. Trick bouncing. This is his new favorite way to sit.
Little show-off
I just thought he looked like such a big boy after his bath the other night.

Cousin John David and Shelly came by to say hello!

Kasey is forcing me to post this. I am completely embarassed at how I look. Today I thought I'd try to do what all babies and kids do....close your eyes and maybe it will go away. I thought maybe if I closed my eyes, he would open his mouth. It did NOT work.
In true Crazy Kasey form, she got Kanyon a bubble generator! We played with it when we got back here this afternoon. Though he looks indifferent in the pictures, he loved it and would follow the bubbles until the popped. I am just so glad he can see them! What a fun toy!

He looks a little demonic in the pics with the red-eye.

We are still in Dallas for tonight. By the time we got checked out and back to Kasey's to get all of my stuff, it was peak traffic time. We are going to spend the night here and leave in the morning. Kory liked that idea too because he said that he has some cleaning to do. So ends Kory's bachelor days.

We are glad to be gone, but have a new adventure with all of this at home. I feel comfortable with the tube and all of the gear and supplies that goes with it, but hope that we can be off of it soon. Maybe in the next 4 weeks, that is kind of our goal. It is hard to explain how things are now. His therapist was pleased with his eating progress and feels confident that he will get it down even better. The hard thing to explain is that this doesn't mean he looks like a normal baby eating or will ever look like that. It still get pretty "ugly" at times, but we just have to get it done. We are probably in for a long term thing here with this eating each time we trasition to the next step. And of coure, they fully expect us to re-join them at Our Children's House in the future. We are just thankful to have them. It is still a long process from start to finish...can be as lnog as an hour by the time it is all said and done. But that is Ok. We know that and will deal with it. Some friends led me to a blog of a parent whose child is in "feeding school" as they call it. It is a different situation because of his age, etc., but I saw something on their blog that made total sense to me and might better put into words what I'm trying to say. Remember, this is not from my blog, just a blog of a total stranger, but one that made a lot of sense to me.

One of ____ best friends in Feeding Camp graduated yesterday. .
Yesterday, the social worker called all the parents together for a meeting. The social worker began the session by directing a question at the mother of the graduating kid: “What about leaving the clinic makes you nervous?” The mother was quick to answer: “I’m anxious that all my friends are gonna think that everything is okay and normal now that we’ve done this feeding camp. Everything is not okay and not normal. I’ve still got to follow this extreme process when feeding my child. And so they aren’t going to understand when I have to stay home to follow through with this rigorous feeding schedule. And the other thing I’m anxious about are the dumb questions I’m sure to get again like, ‘Can’t you just let your kid go hungry? Surely your kid will eat when he/she is hungry. Your kid is three! They need to be eating chew-able foods!’ I’m not so sure I have the patience to deal with those questions.”
As she was saying these things, every parent in the room was nodding their heads in agreement
I completely understand where this mom is coming from...because our "feeding camp," while not in the hospital anymore, is not over. We still have a ways to go in Longview and with visits to Dallas. I am worried about this sounding rude or impatient, and that is not what I intended....its just meant to explain a little bit of what goes on in the brain of parents that deal with this. posts will get shorter I promise.


Corbitt Family said...

Yeah for Kanyon! I am glad he has made strides in the right direction and that we will get to spend some time with ya'll again. Have a safe trip tomorrow!

The Brown Family said...

Jaymie and Kory, First of all, congratulations on the successes you have had so far with his feedings and the fact that you haven't had a g-tube inserted. What a blessing "feeding camp" must be. Second, I just want you to know that I am praying for all of you. Feeding issues are truly some of the most frustrating hurdles for kiddos - I know it was for us. Feel free to give me a call - if ever the need is there. Oh, and I will be TX soon so maybe I can finally meet the cute guy (Kanyon, that is, however I'm sure Kory is just as cute). Thanks for keeping us posted on the progress. Love you guys, Rebekah

Melissa Taylor said...

Love the picture of you and Kanyon! Hang in there, Jaymie. You are a great mommy to Kanyon, and you have been very dilligent and patient. God will bless this situation, I know He will. One day, when Kanyon is a teenager, you will be wishing that he eats less!

Kaylane said...

Hi Jaymie! This is Kaylane....Kyla's cousin. I was wondering if you could forward me some info on the feeding camp you just went to. My co-worker and I were talking about it today and she is in desperate need of some help for her little guy. My email address is

If you get some free time to send me some info that would be great!! Thanks and congrats!!!

jaymie said...

testing testing

Unknown said...

We can't wait to see yall. we have missed you and Kanyon!! He looks so good!!! See ya soon. Cindy

christine pinson said...

i am so sad that i had to miss the girls trip to see you...unfortunately i have feeding issues of my own...i have thought of the kan man alot lately as my doctors have been talking to me about putting G and J tubes back into me...and i'm 27...i sure do wish that i could eat like a "normal" person too, but i would put all those tubes back in if it mean this was any easier for you and kanyon...i sure do love you and hope that instead of being a stop on the hospital visits, i will be able to visit you!

Ashley said...

I love reading about Kanyon and how he is growing and healing. I still think of you guys very often.


Amber said...

we are so happy that yall are getting to go home! Kanyon looks so cute and chubby that its hard to imagine what all you three have been through. your always in our prayers. give him a big wet kiss from all us Green girls :) amber

Anonymous said...

yay home! i know kory's glad to see y'all. nice jordan outfit kanyon :)

Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

Hey, no need for shorter posts. I like to think that I can be a part of your life and know what is going on even if I am MILES away. Keep on writing and putting up the great pics!
Go, Kanyon! GO!

Sheridie said...

Awww Jaymie! If I was there I would give you guys a great big hug. I'm still praying for you guys! Kanyon, keep up the good work!

The Timberframer's Wife said...

We'll sure keep praying that he continues to progress. I bet y'all are so glad to be home!

Kacy said...

Don't you dare promise to make your posts shorter! We hang on your every word!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how yall have time for therapy and treatment...yall have so many visitors! What a blessing. Yall are very well loved..that seems obvious. I pray that God will strengthen you and that He will lift your spirits and not let you get discouraged. Can I help in anyway? You and Kory are troopers. Don't dare shorten your posts! They aren't only good for you, they are good for us. Keep printouts of your blog. I'm sure that they can be the basis of the book that you're going to write about yours and Kanyons experiences. You are a ton of encouragement to young mothers even now. I can't wait to see what you're going to say when you get ready to write your book. Vicky Pruitt

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