Remember this guy on the first day of school???
Kanyon is cheating on the Magic Bullet with a FORK!!!!
We've been letting him try foods and I've even showed a video of him using a fork. He thinks its cool to have his own fork or spoon. He's been trying lots of little bites of food, but still hesitant and not really eating MUCH of anything. After his first day of school, I made a PB & J and was going to give him a couple of little bites to see if he would eat them while I blended the rest of his meal. I looked up and the bites were gone, so I gave him a few more....and they were gone....a few more.....gone.....until the whole thing was gone!! So that night for supper, I gave him baked potato and poppyseed chicken and he ate the whole thing. He did that ALL WEEK!! He's eaten everything we've eaten and done great feeding himself! I still feed him breakfast and will probably have to blend most of his breakfast things until he gets a little more comfortable with it. He's never been a morning eater so I figure this will be the last thing for him to "get". But, hey, I can handle feeding him one meal a day! SHEESH! I also learned that if we go to Chick-Fil-A I need to order more chicken for HIM...there wasn't enough for me AND HIM!!!
Our war is not OVER completely, but we've won a MAJOR BATTLE!!!!! We are excited, relieved, and so proud of Kanyon! We're able to trust him a little more with when he's hungry and when he's not. His volume isn't as much as it was with the blended foods, but he's eating more often, so we're confident it will balance out. His weight is steady and our pediatrician is comfortable letting him go try this eating thing and not worry too much about his weight.
As I said, we haven't been able to totally abandon our "protocol" but we are glad we have that. There are a lot of good things about it that we will keep using. But it does feel good to be able to give him so much control and not have to fight him every meal. He seems to be enjoying it all so much more!!
Before you go feeling sorry for the Magic Bullet, know that its still getting used. I still make qsp's food with it and will still use it for klp's breakfast and any fruit that I add to things like yogurt or cottage cheese. Its just that I don't spend SO MUCH TIME standing over that thing mixing, blending, and scooping it out. UGGHH!!
I think us getting to this point is a combination of A LOT OF THINGS and A LOT OF TIME (remember he's 3 1/2)
The fork was a big one. He loves doing it himself so I think sometimes he likes to eat just because he likes to use his fork. He chases the food down on his plate and once he stabs it, he puts it down, claps for himself, and picks it back up to take the bite!