Before I get bogged down in medical terms, this is not Rachel...its actually me, Jaymie, attempting to make my first post...we'll see how it goes. You can expect worse grammar, bad spelling, and too many attempts at medical terms. I'm not a genius like Rachel. But, I thought I could handle this so here we go. Of course a big thank you goes out to Rachel for all she's done over the last 3 weeks. She is
definitely not gone from the blog forever, she's still gonna help me out! So..thanks
Rach! You're the best!
Well, in the words of
Kanyon's Dr. this morning...
Kanyon got a tune up. His apnea and
Bradys (heart rate drop) never did get better, so about 2am this morning they put him back on the vent. They want him to rest and take some time to grow and get a little stronger and they'll start all over. Kory and I can't help but feel a little disappointed, but we also know they told us from the beginning that little guys like him will go back and forth a few times before its over for good. We were just honeymooning there at first and we got spoiled. They also gave
Kanyon a blood transfusion so that should help perk him up and carry that oxygen a little better. When we went in this morning, there was kind of a lot going on, so I'll just list it out so that you can know exactly what needs our special prayers.
- His blood pressure was a little high, they're hoping once he calms down and recovers from everything they did last night that that will level off.
- They did a head scan since they hadn't done one in a few weeks. His ventricle where fluid for brain and spinal cord are is a little larger than normal. There are several possible reasons for this. They will just watch it each day and hope that like most things it just fixes itself with a little growth. Pray that it does...otherwise they have to take steps to fix it.
- They're doing an echocardiogram to look at his heart and make sure there is no murmur there. All babies have an open duct that closes when they're born. Due to prematurity, this duct doesn't always close or doesn't stay closed. This is common, but we're of course hoping that he doesn't have it. We'll know more about that later today.
- Eating is still a major thing and thankfully, that has gone really well. That is points to no infections in his tummy that he is at a high risk for. So thank GOD that is going well and pray that he keeps it up.
I think that is all for now. I think we are in the middle of one of those slopes on the roller coaster everyone told us we'd be riding. Even when you know it will happen, its hard not to get discouraged and worried. We have been so blessed by the prayers and support that we've received thanks to this blog. You have no idea how much it encourages us and keeps us going to read all of the comments. That was always a highlight of our day when we were in the hospital and someone would print them out and bring them to us. You just have no idea how much comfort and peace we've felt because of your prayers. We are humbled and we thank you so much. Please continue to pray for his Dr. and his nurses. They are all so wonderful and they work so hard for him and for us. Thanks again for keeping up with our little man. We can't for everyone to meet him...we pray that day comes soon. As always, stay tuned for updates as we have them.
**all medical students, nurses, and doctors don't laugh at my medical explanations, spelling, or anything else...just 3 weeks ago I spent my time with 7 year olds....we don't talk about all this stuff in 2nd grade!!