Thursday, April 5, 2007

Another great report

I just got off the phone with Jaymie, and Kanyon got another great report. He is still digesting Jaymie's milk well, or "tolerating his feeds" as the nurses say. They are going to up his feedings to 6cc today. The more milk he takes, the less and less nutrition they have to give him through his IV. Also, he now weighs 1 lb. 13.5 oz. - getting close to 2 lbs.! He had lost a few ounces at first which is normal, then has steadily gained since then. They don't want him to gain weight fast, just slow and steady. His head scan came back good - better than the last one, so that's a blessing. The biggest thing Jaymie and Kory are worried about is that they are going to try to take him off his ventilator in the next couple of days. They will put a CPAP in, which helps him breathe through his nose, but they will take the ventilator out of his trachea and he will have to initiate breathing on his own, which can tire him out more easily. It's great that the doctor feels like he is ready for this, but just pray that it all goes well. The doctor says that he is happy with Kanyon's progress and that he is a tough little boy.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing! The photos of Jaymie and Kanyon were priceless. They just made me rejoice! There is nothing like holding your baby for the first time. What an answer to prayer, it just inspires me to keep on keeping on in praying for your family,the nurses,and all of the medical staff and thanking God for all he has done thus far.Praise God he is doing so good.

Marianne said...

Two pounds! What a big boy!! The news just gets better and better. We will be praying in Little Rock this weekend. All the Whitehouse clan will be there and your family will be lifted up! Tell Kanyon, "Keep it up!"

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Rachel thank you so much for keeping us all posted!! You have done a great job!! I am EXCITED to hear that Kanyon is doing so well!! It is great to hear he is eating well!! He is a tough little boy!! Our prayers are still with the Phillips and Spencer Family! I am so glad that Jaymie got to hold Kanyon!! The pictures are so cute!! Thank the Lord for small miracles!! He is a beautiful blessing!! Kimberly and Payden Daniels

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kanyon!! Keep up the good work! You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, the Caldwell Crew
Jeanna,Mark,Chase,Casey,Emily,Camri,and Caden

Sarah P said...

What a precious family. I haven't gotten to see you since our old Siggie days - been too long! Praying that the Lord will provide you with the strength you need and that He will hold and protect Kanyon as he continues to grow.
Know that prayers are going up for you from all over the place! You'd be amazed at the number of people that are linking to this blog asking for prayers. You are loved!
Sarah (Wilhite) Paulk

Anonymous said...

God is Good!!!
Still praying for you here in Missouri.

We love you all!
~Monica Siklosi

leslee said...

Kory and Jaymie,
We continue to check the blog and pray even though we don't write everyday. We are so happy for you both, and excited to see sweet Kanyon. The kids love the photos and it was good to be able to show them why he needs our prayers so desperately. They want to look at him daily! I know there are people everywhere praying for you and many you may never meet, but our God is being glorified in this life by your testimony.
Give each other a hug, tell your mom we love her, and know that words cannot tell you the special place you have in our hearts.
We offer our prayers, love, and anything else you may need.
love, JF, LF, JF, WF, KF
dalhart, tx

Anonymous said...

Jaymie and Kory,
The pictures were precious! Wasn't it wonderful to hold sweet Kanyon? I am so excited about Kanyon's progress. I am continuing to lift him up along with both of you. God is so good! I will be praying about him coming off the ventilator. So glad that he is gaining weight.
God bless you all,
Cheryl Hawthorne

tleaf10 said...

Glad to hear about Kanyon's progress! I'll pray for his smooth transition to breathing on his own. Love you guys,
-Terri Lee

Cody Blair said...

so good to hear Kanyon is improving. what a blessing to be loved by a faithful God. still lifting up your family

Anonymous said...

Jayme, Kory and Kanyon:
Central Montanan is praying for you all - God bless those tiny feet and hands! What an inspiration you three are - keep up the good work - hold each other tight and we'll do all we can do here!!! - It's snowing here today Kory!(I'm sure your Mom misses that!) God Bless each of you!
The Colvers - Fred and Leslie

Jodi said...

Yea Kanyon! You are just kickin' booty! Keep on growing, little man!

We'll be praying specifically for the breathing situation and that he just amazes the docs and nurses! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

It was so great to see Jaymie and Kory at church on Wednesday night. I'm also very proud to hear continuing good news about Kanyon. Prayer works.

Anonymous said...

It was so great to see Jaymie and Kory at church on Wednesday night. I'm also very proud to hear continuing good news about Kanyon. Prayer works.

Anonymous said...

I am from Paris and now live in Oregon, my sister sent me the pictures of your precious baby's. I am 21 weeks pregnant so I will be thinking of Kanyon and watching his progress.

Anonymous said...

First let me say those pictures are so precious. Finally getting to hold your baby, and feeling like a "real" mom, thats awesome, and i know Kanyon loved it as well.
Shea saw those pics and all she could say was, he's so tiny and i reminded her that she was pretty tiny when she was born. Jaymie I am so happy to hear that he's doing so well and continues to make progress everyday. I think of you often and hope YOU are doing ok, as well.
I can't wait to meet him and I know Shea cant either.
Still praying for you three.
Talk soon
Nicole and daughter Shea

Anonymous said...

We are so glad that you got to be the Mama Kangaroo. Kanyon will enjoy hearing this story when he reads about kangaroos in 2nd grade. Keep the news coming. The smiling pictures soothe our hearts. We keep you in our prayers.
Lynda and Sue

Anonymous said...

Jaymie and Kory,
I have been checking this site daily and have wanted to find the right words to leave for you but there isn't much that I can say to take away the hurt. I can tell you that you are all in my prayers and those of my family and friends. If you don't have New Mexico colored in yet, you can now because I sent an e-mail to my father-in-law and he has an extensive prayer group. The pictures are beautiful. Know that I am thinking about you and praying for you.

Deborah Bellinger

Stephanie Torresi said...

I'm Ashely Core's cousin, Stephanie. I try to catch up on Ashley through her blog and found a prayer request for you there and the link to your blog. I am praying for ALL of you night and day. A big hug from Rome, Italy!

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