Sunday, April 22, 2007


Well, the little man is resting much better. He is calm and "pink" (meaning he's not pale like he was last night..the new blood has been good for him). His blood pressure has leveled out now that things have settled down. His echocardiogram came back good..YEAH! One of his blood cultures came back and was negative..not infection with that one. They are waiting on one more that will be back tomorrow so hopefully that one will be negative too. They are going to check his white blood cell counts again tomorrow and make sure those levels are still good. If all of that goes well, they will take him off of the antibiotics that they've had him on while they were waiting to hear back from these tests. He is still tolerating his feeds-- way to go, we want to keep that up. We felt good when we went in tonight. He was resting comfortably, but he did peek one eye open at us for a little bit. We pray that he will rest up and continue to strengthen his lungs and his whole body so that he can be ready when they take him off again. His nurese have worked really hard these last couple of days with him....he's been pretty demanding, but they've done a great job! Thanks for the prayers, keep em going!


Anonymous said...

Such great news, God is so good!

Anonymous said...

way to go God! way to go kanyon! now you two get some rest! Philipians 4:8ff...

Marianne said...

Sounds like the roller coaster is on the way up! I know you rested better as well. I am praying that he rests well and "ripens" a little more every day.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking/praying about you every day and everyone I know at church and everywhere else is praying for you guys too. I know it is so hard to watch your child go through anything that you feel is hard or painful for him and I'm sorry you are having to learn that as the first lesson of parenthood instead of later down the road. I know you would like to have everything just continue to go smoothly, but trust your doctors and nurses. They know what they are talking about. Just remember, God gave Kanyon to you and Kory in particular because He knew you could handle his needs. God trusted Kanyon with the two of you for a very special reason-it was no accicdent. I can't wait for you to get to have your little guy at home and just hold and spoil him all you want! I know you can't either. And on a related note... I noticed you made this post in the wee hours of the morning. You have got to get some rest! :) Seriously, little Kanyon will be home before you know it and you will want to be the best Mommy to him you can be- so rest up now. You can enjoy sleepless nights later when you're rocking your precious gift at 1 am after he won't go back to sleep after his midnight feed!

Love ya and miss ya...Please let me know when there is anything you need...Emily R.

Anonymous said...

i'm so thankful Kanyon is cared for by such loving nurses and dr. and has such an amazing loving family, and an even more amazing and loving God!!! i just got the sweet goosebumps when i read the part about him "resting comfortably, but peeking one eye open." what a comforting sweet sight! love, annalee

Anonymous said...

Jaymie and Kory,
I am so glad that Kenyon is doing so well. Mike and i continually pray for your guys. We pray for the doctors and nurses, as well.

God is so good! he is watching over you so closely!
He keeps answering our prayers for Kenyon.

We pray you will get the rest you need and the peace you need to get that rest!

Judi and Mike Worley
Airport Freeway

Anonymous said...

Jaymie and Kory,

Don't worry, all of this sounds very familiar. We went through all of this with Sarah-Beth just 4 years ago. Alot has progressed in that time, but I know how very scarey it can be. We were in the hospital for 3 1/2 months, and everyday was a different challenge. God is good and He knows what He is doing. If you just want to talk to someone who has gone through similar things just e-mail me at I would love to talk to you. God bless the doctors, nurses, family and friends who are with you and your family everyday.

Our prayers are with you always

Anonymous said...

kan kan is mr. big stuff these days. before you know it he's going to be supporting the magic in a baby tall tee that has grant hill's name on the back. i am so glad that kanny was born to you and kory and no one else...God knew what he was guys are full of the strength that God gives....the same stregth that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. woooohoooo. may HIS power reign in you guys' lives, I know it is a victory for Him everytime you guys choose to lean on His support. give kory a wedgie, ollie an ear rub, kan kan a secret handshake, and yourself a comic conversation with our all time favorite muscle woman. its where all the laughs are at. missing you. love you guys.
jenna t

Anonymous said...

Kory and Jaymie,
Jaymie you are doing great with the blog. So glad to keep up with you this way. This way we can get anxious with you and rejoice with you...always praying. Love, John and Geneva

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